
GuiTaR aND MaSTuRBaTioN aRe oNe aND THe SaMe. 7/30/06.

So I heard this from one of my friends who played the guitar (AND hooked me up). He said "Hell, playing the guitar and masturbating are one and the same. Your picking hand does the work, while the chord hand tickles your balls."

Sick shit but totally true. Why would I lie?

So the BKK has pulled off some manner of destruction. Tanx to DoRKy Thug and Thuggy Thug. A little bit of theft. Tanx ALOT to HoTTie THuG. Mobbing is a little hard to start with chains holding you down, but we still find time for it. Special tanx to KaT for letting us hide in yourn pad. Gots a cart to trick (Pimp, style whatever) out. And so many places for races, hopefully it can get fixt up. HT suggested that we use the cart in the
ReD BuLL, BiTCHeS FLuG-TaG and SoaP BoX RaCe. But we (I) ain't got the money and the FLuG-TaG is already over.



This isn't my kid. But he is fucking awesome.

So working...working...working sux ballz. I don't sit next to mah homies and next to all these fuckers that hate me. At least that is the vibe I get. Some dumb fuck punk who worked there for years doesn't have to do shit. He acts like "management" and "makes sure everyone does their job". WTF about your job, do it and stop throwing that little green fucking ball around.

Anyways in further news I have found people who want to be in the BKK, but for right now it's just a tiny mob. Little vandalism hur, little theft thur. It's all good in terms of I've never felt more alive. And have you ever had that feeling of something so cool that it makes you sick.

Freakin' Sweet *Peter Griffin voice*.

Yeah so when the "mob" (3 people so far) gets together we do shit like that.

So SNooX!


BuSiNeSS iN THe FRoNT, PaRTy iN THe BaCK. 7/27/06.

Every town
Has its' ups and its' downs.
But not in Coeur D'Alene.
Every town
Has its' ups and its' downs.
But not in Coeur D'Alene.

(And Post Falls and Rathdrum and Athol).

Anyone ever see the animated Robin Hood, the one where he is a fox. Little John is singing about Nottingham (about how much it sux) and I related this to our state. Today is good day. (MMMMMMMM) So I thought I would share as to why it is a good day. Because it is. Ever have one of those days where you roll out of bed and it feels like a sux@$$ day. And then it turns out to be good. Well that is how it happened and that is why it is a good day. Just because it didn't sux bad.

Skip Skiffington is the last angry jew.

(So has anyone heard of CRoTCHDuSTeR? Nobody, damn! Click the title then. Fun-e Shit, I promise.)

New stuff then? Ummm. Put your hands together like your going to hit a volleyball, except interlock the fingers. Bend your thumbs a couple times then repeat after me. (While bending the thumbs)
And walk up behind people and do that. Of course you can just say ToaSTy! like the guy from MoRTaL KoMBaT. Or just do the running thing with your hands at the sides of your head and go:



Yes it is a word in the BoS. But I decided to use it. Just because you can say it as a noun/adjective/adverb, and it works all the time. It is spelled incorrectly because that is how I made in a song I wrote.

PiHKaL and TiHKaL by Alexander "SaSHa" Shulgin and his wife Ann. He is the one that brought back MDMa (better known as XTC). XTC was actually made in 1912 by MeRCK. It was picked up by Shulgin in 1965, and launched his career. In 1972 though it hit the club scene in Dalls, Texas (Seems to be the Texans, don't it? I bet Bush was there). But it is amazing how informative a weed magazine can be isn't it? And I thought it only talked about marijuana.

"Lordy I lost my hymen to an consenting Practicing Buddhist Monk and I be consenting Virginal Catholic Nun : AMEN , TANX , JESUS!"


Today is a shitty day. And those that know me should go fux themselves. Thats right I said it.

FuX JeW!

FuX JeW aLL!


aDRiaNS TiTZ. 7/24/06

Here we go. Finally.

I also decided to add another picture that I found. Hopefully you think it is as funny and disgusting as I thought it was. That is just some sick shit. Hell I might suck my womans' titz if she were lactating, but they say that is the mother of GoD but why is he so old. Maybe she just kept him the oven a bit too long.


OMFG! 7/23/06.

Fuck youUpon days and days of mindless litany, I have come to a hard conclusion.
Is God a man? All for equal rights between the sexes can't say no. Because the BiBLe (I only bold it because it is an important book. No matter how much I hate it and want to piss on it) refers to GoD as him and he. And JeSuS was a Jew because his parents were descended from Jews. You can't say he wasn't otherwise it is the same with HiTLeR. His grandma or other blood relation was a Jew. (The only reason I say other blood is: I am told his mother was a Jew).

Q: What's a cat's favorite drug?
A: MEOWthamphetamine

And so my night continues with my self-abuse. So from 10:52-11:48, I "self-abused" myself. Don't worry I wasn't "hurt". Look up S-A in the thesaurus, funny stuff I tink. Don't know but sooner or later I will tell you what I really mean.

And do they ever tell you what to do when your foundation crumbles. I don't know. They didn't teach it in school. And I would have a great picture of Adrian Curry's (Now KNiGHT) TiTZ, but BLoGGeR is taking forever.

And there is nothing wrong with FooBieS (Fayk+BooBieS). Just putting that out there before I go to sleep, because I want all you guyz and gurlz to know about the wonderful word:





WHeN DeaTH RePLaCeS LiFe. 7/21/06

Man it has been forever hasn't it? Well it is going to be when you get kicked out of your place of residence.

SOOOO I won't be able to go to my Uncles wedding today, and Have to waste more money to rent a motel for a week while the tempers cool. AND luckily I got back in to my residence (My MoMS HouSe).
So this is a little downtime I have to post so I'm smokin'em while I got'em.
I also have a job (YaY! *SaRCaSM*) and are part of the machine now.

Hey I needs money for smokables. Oh sorry for the long loading times, work won't let me pull up any archives and I wants my friends to sees my accomplishnments (iKNoW).


BBD aND HoW MaGGie iS a CuNT. 7/08/06.

Break the rules of society and when the judge asks you why you did it say 'They're meant to be broken.' In this state I live in (red bloc party, sub tested lake in WW2, and large amount of the Rockies), the judges don't really give a shit. So I up and tells'em that they are part of the nihlistic machine pushed and oiled by bush (doesn't deserve the respect of a capital). And that went over great!

So I hopped back onto the caffeine train. Gots me a quad-pak of MoNSTeR. And these are events from early this morning (cuz I am actually writing on the 7th and 11:58 p.m., but when I post it will be the 8th. FuX YeaH!) had two of them before midnite and another before 1. And it was great I was bouncing of the wallz (demz da mhad skilz), yet I couldn't yell (or run naked) and I am preparing to wake up and have a massive headache. Know what I am going to do? Take some eQuaTe with the Hi-C in them. Then take some energy pillz (cuz days (sic)), and bounce off the wallz some more.

FuX YeaH!

And in my efforts to drop myself from Hi-C, I smoked some green tea leaves, like smoking pot with a pop can. Yeah that didn't turn out to well.


PLaCe YeR BeT, DoN'T BeaT Yo' MeaT. 7/06/06.

So I'm sitting at my desk wondering about my posts, how can I get it so raunchy, (raunchily-pornographic (and disgusting)).

So my day begins with me getting up and pissing into a skull, with my wife looking at me and saying "Are you pissing into your hand?" and I realize that I don't have a skull to piss in. (nag nag nag). So after I wash my hand, I go for a banana and peel it. Only it seems to have many layers of peel, and everyone who saw me peeling the banana sez "That's a huge lowd." Like I know. So I move onto the bath I was taking and apparently the dogs like licking my "banana". My meal before I actually started my day was a salad, and all it seems that was in there was lettuce. When my mom got home she complained about what happened to the tree. (nag nag nag). I went to work and everyone complimented me on my beautiful smell, and they gave me a cute pink slip saying that I smelled too good to work at that shit-hole. On my way home I met a dyslexic cop who thought a speed sign was 35 m.p.h. when it clearly stated 53. God what a dumbass. So I have a court date on the 5th day of the 29th month so that is what, that's December 5th of 2008.

Freakin' Sweet *Peter Griffin voice*.

So my wife is beating the mailman because he's trying to steal something. (I forget). And she says that I am so smart that she is leaving because she says she's too stupid to live with me and ruin my great I.Q. it's around 10 (I think) which is the best.



SKiTTLeS MeaN SKiLLZ, WHaT aRe You FRoM iDaHo? 7/04/06.

So again I post only this time I have plenty of energy to expend on my creative thought. But since I am trying to come down from caffeine, I wake up with headaches because that is what caffeine does to you. Not as bad as heroine (I hear). Even pills have caffeine in them (the Equate ones), so you can imagine how hard it is to get off the C. But this is just a picture post mostly.

I'm just here to tell you to have a Mother-fuckingly happy erotic ball-busting, clit-bitingly good 4th of July.

Oh, and don't blow off your hand, or yer dick/clit/tits, whatever.

iN 177666, aMeRiCa WaS BoRN a BaSTaRD aND a SoN-oF a-BiTCH. 7/03/06.

But the real story is about an occupation, a little known one about Peg Boy. In the old days of circumnavigating the world, the ships would have a boy (or man) who would sit on a peg, bare-assed and waiting. And when the urge for some "company" would strike the captain he would have his way with the boy or (or man). Sick and disgusting, but all true, I swear it.

SoMe QuiCK QueSTioNS
What the hell is 4D ultrasound?

If you drop the Stars and Stripes bar, on the ground, do you have to burn it?

Why do they call it white chocolate? It doesn't have any cocoa in it.

You Are 32% Lady

You tend to make up your rules of etiquette, throwing all conventions aside.

And while you try to be a lady (sometimes), your behavior is often quite shocking.

Little test I did and wow no wonder why Chris Cornell turns me on. (Jesus Christ).


  • MeN

  • LeSBo'S------------------------->(little meaty-muscular)

  • WoMeN

  • HoMo'S.


BLu KLuX KLaN. 7/01/06.

This faget little man, is a disgrace to all those who like Tigger. Oh there's Spiderman, oh well fuck him. Fuck him in his stupid asshole.

The BLu KLuX KLaN is not to be confused with the KKK. We are not for white power, but for anarchy. (hell I could've said something like blue-collar power. But fuck'em, that's what Blue Collar TV is for. Empower the lowest rung to another rung which by that time is the lowest, again. And the cycle continues.) But the BKK has been confused with the BLaK KLuX KLaN and the BuRGeR KiNG KLaN. It is a small group of individuals who don blue book covers (the elastic kind) as masks and does some stupid shit. THe PHuCKeR or in my RiTaLiN circle, MR. GiGGLeS, the head honcho of it, and lately we haven't done anything really good.

God I suck. Since when is it so wrong to shit on someones porch or piss on the door handle? HMMM? When? What a waste of time trying to.

Have I become like the crazy cat lady? Tending to my blog with a maternal instinct, posting everyday day or so? Yay verily, I say unto you. Doth pearls who scoff shalt pass the swine who praise, on the way down. And he shall bless them with the snowy liquid of life. MWaHaHaHaHaH.
THe (pH)uCKeR
So so long to breathe
Life into this idea
Which to so so long to conceive
An idea which is growing fast
That I barely believe

Only send hate

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