GuiTaR aND MaSTuRBaTioN aRe oNe aND THe SaMe. 7/30/06.

Sick shit but totally true. Why would I lie?
So the BKK has pulled off some manner of destruction. Tanx to DoRKy Thug and Thuggy Thug. A little bit of theft. Tanx ALOT to HoTTie THuG. Mobbing is a little hard to start with chains holding you down, but we still find time for it. Special tanx to KaT for letting us hide in yourn pad. Gots a cart to trick (Pimp, style whatever) out. And so many places for races, hopefully it can get fixt up. HT suggested that we use the cart in the
ReD BuLL, BiTCHeS FLuG-TaG and SoaP BoX RaCe. But we (I) ain't got the money and the FLuG-TaG is already over.