BuSiNeSS iN THe FRoNT, PaRTy iN THe BaCK. 7/27/06.

Has its' ups and its' downs.
But not in Coeur D'Alene.
Every town
Has its' ups and its' downs.
But not in Coeur D'Alene.
(And Post Falls and Rathdrum and Athol).
Anyone ever see the animated Robin Hood, the one where he is a fox. Little John is singing about Nottingham (about how much it sux) and I related this to our state. Today is good day. (MMMMMMMM) So I thought I would share as to why it is a good day. Because it is. Ever have one of those days where you roll out of bed and it feels like a sux@$$ day. And then it turns out to be good. Well that is how it happened and that is why it is a good day. Just because it didn't sux bad.

Skip Skiffington is the last angry jew.
(So has anyone heard of CRoTCHDuSTeR? Nobody, damn! Click the title then. Fun-e Shit, I promise.)
New stuff then? Ummm. Put your hands together like your going to hit a volleyball, except interlock the fingers. Bend your thumbs a couple times then repeat after me. (While bending the thumbs)
And walk up behind people and do that. Of course you can just say ToaSTy! like the guy from MoRTaL KoMBaT. Or just do the running thing with your hands at the sides of your head and go:
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