OMFG! 7/23/06.

Is God a man? All for equal rights between the sexes can't say no. Because the BiBLe (I only bold it because it is an important book. No matter how much I hate it and want to piss on it) refers to GoD as him and he. And JeSuS was a Jew because his parents were descended from Jews. You can't say he wasn't otherwise it is the same with HiTLeR. His grandma or other blood relation was a Jew. (The only reason I say other blood is: I am told his mother was a Jew).
Q: What's a cat's favorite drug?
A: MEOWthamphetamine
And so my night continues with my self-abuse. So from 10:52-11:48, I "self-abused" myself. Don't worry I wasn't "hurt". Look up S-A in the thesaurus, funny stuff I tink. Don't know but sooner or later I will tell you what I really mean.
And do they ever tell you what to do when your foundation crumbles. I don't know. They didn't teach it in school. And I would have a great picture of Adrian Curry's (Now KNiGHT) TiTZ, but BLoGGeR is taking forever.
And there is nothing wrong with FooBieS (Fayk+BooBieS). Just putting that out there before I go to sleep, because I want all you guyz and gurlz to know about the wonderful word:
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