WHeN DeaTH RePLaCeS LiFe. 7/21/06

Man it has been forever hasn't it? Well it is going to be when you get kicked out of your place of residence.
SOOOO I won't be able to go to my Uncles wedding today, and Have to waste more money to rent a motel for a week while the tempers cool. AND luckily I got back in to my residence (My MoMS HouSe).
So this is a little downtime I have to post so I'm smokin'em while I got'em.
I also have a job (YaY! *SaRCaSM*) and are part of the machine now.
Hey I needs money for smokables. Oh sorry for the long loading times, work won't let me pull up any archives and I wants my friends to sees my accomplishnments (iKNoW).

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