BLu KLuX KLaN. 7/01/06.

This faget little man, is a disgrace to all those who like Tigger. Oh there's Spiderman, oh well fuck him. Fuck him in his stupid asshole.
The BLu KLuX KLaN is not to be confused with the KKK. We are not for white power, but for anarchy. (hell I could've said something like blue-collar power. But fuck'em, that's what Blue Collar TV is for. Empower the lowest rung to another rung which by that time is the lowest, again. And the cycle continues.) But the BKK has been confused with the BLaK KLuX KLaN and the BuRGeR KiNG KLaN. It is a small group of individuals who don blue book covers (the elastic kind) as masks and does some stupid shit. THe PHuCKeR or in my RiTaLiN circle, MR. GiGGLeS, the head honcho of it, and lately we haven't done anything really good.

God I suck. Since when is it so wrong to shit on someones porch or piss on the door handle? HMMM? When? What a waste of time trying to.
Have I become like the crazy cat lady? Tending to my blog with a maternal instinct, posting everyday day or so? Yay verily, I say unto you. Doth pearls who scoff shalt pass the swine who praise, on the way down. And he shall bless them with the snowy liquid of life. MWaHaHaHaHaH.
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