I have been
(so far) wasting all my time
(when I should be blogging) working. I have some stuff that is in the infant stages of a script. I am referring to my script about zombie stand-up. So far I have the beginning of it and I am trying to find new material for it. And I have realized that I best get my ideas when I burn all my energy on it for about a day and a half, then I wait for awhile
(like three days) and then come back to it. Anyway a
(semi- and morbidly) funny thing happened last Wednesday. There was a shooting at an apartment complex and I thought it was hilarious because we had been trying to get into it for the past year. So I says "Maybe we'll finally get a place to stay!" and the whole
(Erin and I) group lauffed
([sic]) about it. But when I told this as a joke in all honesty there were people who got offended by it. I was like
"WTF!! Fuck you if you can't take a joke muthafucker!! (Middle finger already in the air!)"
Anyhoo. I had seen this before but hadn't really given it much thought until I had finally run out of things to write about
(not that that hasn't happened before). How depressing is it to an old person when their retirement community is directly across the street from a cemetary. It's like, 'Look both ways before you cross, or you'll end up across the street.' 'Well the sidewalk is on the other side.' I mean it's like natural selection, the dumb ones are taken and the smart ones never think to try.
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