THaT'S HoW We RoLL uP iN iDaHiZZLe! 10/31/2006.

Props to HoTTie THuG for this awesome picture. And just when I started thinking hey Idaho ain't so bad. This shit starts up and it's like "Fuck that shit! Fuck!"
Bunch of fucking retards there, I will make the distinction that southern Idahoans are probably more rednecked that their northern brethren (NoRTHSiDe YeeYeaH!). Yeah so all in Boise (Except for like three) can all fuck off and choke on a motherfucking dick!

4 out of 5 gay legs approve this message! Now in Idaho thats about how many actually have more than three cars that don't work. Now go and spread message about how potatoes is better up in Idahizzle yeeyeah!
eVeN iF You LiKe Me, FuCK You! 10/25/2006.

Crucify then learn!
Yeah! So when I post this I will actually be taking off another post (15 on the page) and I actually like. Its' got Liz Vicious (And I don't care, she's hot as all fuck tho she's 3rd for me) and she's like gothic/punk porn. Seriously she could start a new genre in pornography, instead of having like white, corpse-like nudes (I'm not above looking at them too!), they should have more like her. Dirty Avril! I mean Liz!
i WiSH My GRaSS WaS eMo, THaT WaY iT WouLD CuT iTSeLF. 10/23/2006.

Anyway a few days of down time really brings things into perspective (Like how much of a life I don't have), a time to reflect upon things that suck, like having to sneak around at other peoples house cuz you don't want people *cough parents cough* to find you. Of course I realized that I like being clean* after being unable to shower for like four days.
I am currently looking for any form of musicry to listen to. I pirated some songs from Kittie (Better than any other chick band, or chick singer for that matter), anyway I figure that this is the would be the best way to get people to give me musicry information. See like the songs I got playing now include:
The Key to Gramercy Park :: Deadsy

Fuck the World :: Insane Clown Posse
Brackish :: Kittie
Planet of the Apes :: Mindless Self Indulgence
Mourning Palace :: Dimmu Borgir
So send me shit. I want to espand (got it) my musical libary(again).
* You know I can be dirty so don't even think of finishing that thought Hottie Thug
♂♂♂♂♂. 10/20/06.

A little lesson in women for all that don't know much. You know who you are! And I will admit I break 1, 9, and 37. And I would figure I'm pretty good at 11.
50 things girls wish guys knew.
October 19th, 2006
1. Dont tell us when you think other girls are hot.
2. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say
during commercials.
3. If you dont act like soap-opera guys, dont expect us to
dress like Victoria Secret models.
4. Mark anniversaries on a calendar.
5. There is no such thing as too much spooning.
6. We think about you all the time.
7. This is how we see it … Don’t call = Don’t Care.
8. Which also means that if we dont call, take the hint.
9. We like you to be a little jealous . . . but overly possessive
is not necessary.
10. Being able to make us laugh is so much more important
than how much you can bench-press.
11. Return favors: we massage, you massage; we go down,
you go down; we shave, you shave.
12. Foreplay is not an option . . . its a prerequisite.
13. We’re allowed to be late . . . you are not.
14. Eye contact is key.
15. Dont take longer to get ready than we do. Metrosexuals are not
sexy. Real men are.
16. Laugh at our jokes.
17. Three words . . . honesty, honesty, honesty.
18. Girls can be groupies. Guy groupies are stalkers.
19. We never have to wonder if your orgasm was real.
20. Do not start with us, you will not win.
21. Would you like it if a guy treated your sister that way?
22. If you ask nicely, we usually answer the same way.
23. We will never have enough clothes or shoes.
24. We have an excuse to act bitchy at least once a month.
25. Open the door for us no matter where we are . . . even at
our house and getting into the car.
26. We love surprises!
27. We liked to be kissed softly, not with an iron tongue.
28. Pay attention to the little things we do, because they
mean the most.
29. Boxers and maybe boxer briefs sometimes . . . NEVER
30. Clean your room before we come over.
31. Always brush your teeth before you see us . . . a fresh
mouth and white teeth are a necessity.
32. When we use our teeth it means that you suck at going down
on us, so we are just returning the favor.
33. Even though you are sometimes insensitive and hurt
us, we still love you with everything we are.
34. Don’t start fights, it doesn’t make you look
cool and we’re not impressed
35. Don't act hard around your friends because I won't make you hard
36. Sometimes “NO!” really means “NO!”
37. “Wife Beaters” are not an adequate form
of fashion.
38. If we wanted to be on video tape, we’d be a porn star
not your girlfriend.
39. Sensitive guys are great . . . :)

are stressful enough!!!!!!!!!!
41. It takes a special kind of stupid to forget birthdays.
42. Guys who are good cuddlers = guys who know how to satisfy
a woman.
43. “Fat Chicks” have feelings too.
44. Silent treatment, shoulder shrugs, tears, yelling
and nasty looks all add up to . . . YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!
45. The excuse “I can’t dance” is unacceptable . . . we’ll appreciate the simple fact that you’re trying.
46. Just because a girl doesnt pick up on the first ring doesnt
mean shes not waiting by the phone.
47. You dont have to spend a lot, if it means a lot.
48. Dont say you love me if you dont mean it.
49. Dont lie to us . . . we will catch you.
50. When the girls get together, we talk about EVERYTHING. Meaning my best friends know everything about you.
aRe You FeeLiNG HaPPy? 10/18/06.
Yeah so I was down at a music shop today, (After leaving home @ 430 this morning) and asked the dude how much for the basic drum kit, (499 motherfuck) and for some reason I couldn't stop playing the drum solo from "The Blister Exists" from Slipknot and it would not leave. Awesome!
You'Re NoT JeSuS? You'Re BoB! 10/17/06

Anywho. A little later in the day I write
Not again not till tonight.
A brief little quote upon the hallowed steps, a little some some for the peeps in the back row. With life on the right and choice to the left. Yeah I'm just kinda going on about stuff in the head. A brain dead motherfucker with no use to purpose of god. And yes I am Russian, I fucking hate Russians.
What a skeletal wreck of man I am. Translucent flesh and feeble bone. The kind of temple to which only whores and sinners come to. With my thumb on the pulse and a finger on the trigger, I remember everything to come. Because in the end all we do is all we've done. Props to Corey of Stone Sour.
You do not tell/ The rain not to fall/ The wind to blow/ The sun to rise/ Or grass grow// You tell/ Your heart not to beat/ It listens once/ But will not repeat.
i'M GoTHiC aND i HaTe eVeRyTHiNG, eXCePT FoR JuiCe. 10/13/06.

Again, just talking about yesterday. I am still pissed because all the motherfuckers in the mag had goddamn baby faced faces. Fucking fuck.
Got this place in town called JaVa and like Starbucks, all they sell is expensive coffee, and they give it fancy names like Bowl of Soul, haha I have no soul. But it is good coffee. And I think they lie about the ingredients, like mexican chocolate, just cocoa beans from Mexico. Hell would you honestly eat anything from Mexico (Taco Bell doesn't count) :: Answer no. But they do make their own whip cream (sic). It tastes like regular coffee (One of the ingredients), with espresso and Mexican chocolate.
Ok thats out the system and the caffeine is in. Javajavajavajavajavajavajava. I'll take some NyQuil later, little swig and I'll fall into a coma. "Hey this tastes like *bam you're in the coma*" NyQuil, NyQuil, NyQuil we love you, you giant fucking Q
aT LeaST We'Re FuKT uP ToGeTHeR! 10/12/06

So while in a little burst of energy I start looking for my journal. And while doing so my mother brings home this magazine, advance copy YeaH *LJS*. And while I do not have a problem with these people being goth. But honestly this is what people think gothic people should look like. Looking through the whole mag, I found only one person actually being gothic and having facial hair (Some fuck-hole with gothic christianity. Religion an oxymoron). It actually pissed me off because like they are all effeminate little eleven year old boys wearing mommies makeup. Yeah and this is the pot calling the kettle black but black and red are not the only colors. Trust me.
Honestly it kills me, but you don't have to be totally baby-faced with mommy's makeup on. You do not have to have your hair doing something everyday. You do not have to have forty fucking million piercings (They are cool though. Know when to stop!). You do not always have to be pissed (It helps). For some Gothicism is a phase in which you realize who the hell you are, either you leave and become a regular jack-off or you stay. Either one is good, but your outlook on life is the determining factor on who you are.
*Goths just realize that death is a step of the life cycle and courting it will do no harm. This is just my opinion, bring it on!
And lastly there are no rules in it; it is just a state of mind.
I can't believe I turned around and cut my own roots, but sometimes pruning is needed in order to grow stronger.
Oh and for you fuckers that don't believe me the chick on 26 in the spiky armor is fucking hot. Just kinda wanna slide up underneath her and let her feel my spike
THaT iS eXaCTLy WHaT i WaS GoiNG FoR. 10/10/06.

Continuing on with my incessant need to create/detail/destroy shit urges, I have once again done some work on the audioblogger site. Not exactly going as well as I had hoped. I'm was actually hoping to put it in with this post, so it doesn't technically make a new one and get rid of the ones I made on blogger instead. So more work to be done. Oh well a fagets job is never done. And you know the kind I'm talking about. The one that does all the work and gets none of the credit. But I pat myself on the back because I did a good job (One gold star for me, none for you).
So hear is another clip of me going on about myself. Anyway kinda lack-luster start to something, I think that is just cuz I haven't mastered the basics of talking clearly and annuciating into the mic. But that will come with time. Oh and I got a greeting at the top, it's probably too low on the volume for you to hear the first time but play it again with the volume totally cranked.
oHHH Nooo! 10/09/06

Jumping to conclusions
Feeding the illusions
They come to the light
Everyone sees aren't I bright?
Please break through to me
Bleed me through to the trough
Coming desparately
Like Strawberry Cough?
Anyway I found a place that would host some audio for me. Yay! (I guess) But I don't know what to talk about. So I'll just pop in from time to time to talk to you guys about shit that is on my mind. Enyoy!
Intro Hello
FuCKaBiLiTy! 10/09/06.
" The Punching bag" You are 76 fuckable! |
Yeah, you're fuckable. Probably fucked, too. You can be so wild sometimes that you may even be, well, how should I put this nicely, easy. Wild and kinky is good, but you should lean to use it in maderation. Hold out a bit when it comes to having sex with a new person. You don't have to let it all hang out! Sure, people want you, but it's probably because they know they could have you. It's ok to play hard-to-get once and a while. In fact, it makes you even sexier! |
![]() |
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The how fuckable are you? Test written by ShizzleBitch on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
FaTe FeLL SHoRT THiS TiMe. 10/08/06.

These are the questions I ask myself (Everyday). Then I worry about being a hypocrite and forgeting my roots.
I actually met one of my old "friends" and she used to be a goth (Although that was tenuous). And hell she had grown up (And turned into a fox!) and was now part of the working class (Am I a hypocrite?). But after a long discussion about work (Work for same comp, diff locations), how many more kids I'm gonna have (None!), and something about vibrating condoms, I finally got home and realized that I had actually wasted a whole hour in the street with her. Anyway I'll probably see her again, just can't be certain of when. Oh and this isn't her, hell she ain't even legal yet. But you sick fucks can imagine that this chick isn't legal.

i CaLL HiM RoBiN HooD aND HiS MeRRy MeN! 10/05/06.

- FUBAR - "Fucked up beyond all repair;" a patient who is so sick or trauma-injured that they are beyond help, terminal, i.e., the guy who tried to commit suicide with a shotgun, but only blew off half his head and was still breathing when the paramedics arrived.
I changed it to reason for the soul purpose of it's beyond the help of anyone who can do anything with it right now.