FaTe FeLL SHoRT THiS TiMe. 10/08/06.

These are the questions I ask myself (Everyday). Then I worry about being a hypocrite and forgeting my roots.
I actually met one of my old "friends" and she used to be a goth (Although that was tenuous). And hell she had grown up (And turned into a fox!) and was now part of the working class (Am I a hypocrite?). But after a long discussion about work (Work for same comp, diff locations), how many more kids I'm gonna have (None!), and something about vibrating condoms, I finally got home and realized that I had actually wasted a whole hour in the street with her. Anyway I'll probably see her again, just can't be certain of when. Oh and this isn't her, hell she ain't even legal yet. But you sick fucks can imagine that this chick isn't legal.

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