
i CaLL HiM RoBiN HooD aND HiS MeRRy MeN! 10/05/06.

Actually not much has happened in the time since the 26th and now. Still working, still alive (in body), still breathing (cannot stop). Working on another blog, FuBaRoD. The reading from Wikipedia :: Medical Slang

  • FUBAR - "Fucked up beyond all repair;" a patient who is so sick or trauma-injured that they are beyond help, terminal, i.e., the guy who tried to commit suicide with a shotgun, but only blew off half his head and was still breathing when the paramedics arrived.

I changed it to reason for the soul purpose of it's beyond the help of anyone who can do anything with it right now.


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THe (pH)uCKeR
So so long to breathe
Life into this idea
Which to so so long to conceive
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That I barely believe

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