You'Re NoT JeSuS? You'Re BoB! 10/17/06

Anywho. A little later in the day I write
Not again not till tonight.
A brief little quote upon the hallowed steps, a little some some for the peeps in the back row. With life on the right and choice to the left. Yeah I'm just kinda going on about stuff in the head. A brain dead motherfucker with no use to purpose of god. And yes I am Russian, I fucking hate Russians.
What a skeletal wreck of man I am. Translucent flesh and feeble bone. The kind of temple to which only whores and sinners come to. With my thumb on the pulse and a finger on the trigger, I remember everything to come. Because in the end all we do is all we've done. Props to Corey of Stone Sour.
You do not tell/ The rain not to fall/ The wind to blow/ The sun to rise/ Or grass grow// You tell/ Your heart not to beat/ It listens once/ But will not repeat.
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