i'M GoTHiC aND i HaTe eVeRyTHiNG, eXCePT FoR JuiCe. 10/13/06.

Again, just talking about yesterday. I am still pissed because all the motherfuckers in the mag had goddamn baby faced faces. Fucking fuck.
Got this place in town called JaVa and like Starbucks, all they sell is expensive coffee, and they give it fancy names like Bowl of Soul, haha I have no soul. But it is good coffee. And I think they lie about the ingredients, like mexican chocolate, just cocoa beans from Mexico. Hell would you honestly eat anything from Mexico (Taco Bell doesn't count) :: Answer no. But they do make their own whip cream (sic). It tastes like regular coffee (One of the ingredients), with espresso and Mexican chocolate.
Ok thats out the system and the caffeine is in. Javajavajavajavajavajavajava. I'll take some NyQuil later, little swig and I'll fall into a coma. "Hey this tastes like *bam you're in the coma*" NyQuil, NyQuil, NyQuil we love you, you giant fucking Q
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