THaT'S HoW We RoLL uP iN iDaHiZZLe! 10/31/2006.

Props to HoTTie THuG for this awesome picture. And just when I started thinking hey Idaho ain't so bad. This shit starts up and it's like "Fuck that shit! Fuck!"
Bunch of fucking retards there, I will make the distinction that southern Idahoans are probably more rednecked that their northern brethren (NoRTHSiDe YeeYeaH!). Yeah so all in Boise (Except for like three) can all fuck off and choke on a motherfucking dick!

4 out of 5 gay legs approve this message! Now in Idaho thats about how many actually have more than three cars that don't work. Now go and spread message about how potatoes is better up in Idahizzle yeeyeah!
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