aT LeaST We'Re FuKT uP ToGeTHeR! 10/12/06

So while in a little burst of energy I start looking for my journal. And while doing so my mother brings home this magazine, advance copy YeaH *LJS*. And while I do not have a problem with these people being goth. But honestly this is what people think gothic people should look like. Looking through the whole mag, I found only one person actually being gothic and having facial hair (Some fuck-hole with gothic christianity. Religion an oxymoron). It actually pissed me off because like they are all effeminate little eleven year old boys wearing mommies makeup. Yeah and this is the pot calling the kettle black but black and red are not the only colors. Trust me.
Honestly it kills me, but you don't have to be totally baby-faced with mommy's makeup on. You do not have to have your hair doing something everyday. You do not have to have forty fucking million piercings (They are cool though. Know when to stop!). You do not always have to be pissed (It helps). For some Gothicism is a phase in which you realize who the hell you are, either you leave and become a regular jack-off or you stay. Either one is good, but your outlook on life is the determining factor on who you are.
*Goths just realize that death is a step of the life cycle and courting it will do no harm. This is just my opinion, bring it on!
And lastly there are no rules in it; it is just a state of mind.
I can't believe I turned around and cut my own roots, but sometimes pruning is needed in order to grow stronger.
Oh and for you fuckers that don't believe me the chick on 26 in the spiky armor is fucking hot. Just kinda wanna slide up underneath her and let her feel my spike
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