
i'M oLD eNouGH To KNoW You'Re a WHoRe. 8/31/2006.

Yeah but do I care? That is the million dollar question on the minds of people (Only one actually). It's one I don't care about yeah so what you wanna fight about it? And I realized that sometimes you have to emote so people know what you're talking about? YEAH! *LiL' JoN STyLe*. But you have to have done them repeatedly for people to actually know what the fuck you're talking about. Yeah (SaM on Jimmy Neutron)! There is a difference and if you listen to rap and watch Nickelodeon (Me) then you know it. But for those of you that don't

YEAH! *LJS* is loud and obnoxious.

Yeah! *SaM* is simple and quick.

And I learned a quick lesson that I should've learned when I was two years old, never taste anything that you don't know what the fuck it is. Unless you are certain that is food. Had one of those little chiller cups (With water in between two layers that freezes) and I was filling it with water. And there was this foam on the lip of it, first I was like 'Looks like ice.'

So I touch it. Not frozen its a foam. So I lick it. Fruity and I'm walking down the hall and it turns all bitter in my mouth. So I spit it out and fight puking for five minutes.

And my woman won't load the dishwasher and I ask her 'Why won't you reload the dishwasher?' And she says 'I don't load.' And I say 'Well you take them.'



Got a new kitten at a church bazaar (I almost exploded). And she names him BiNX and I want to name him HeRoiN BoB (After HeRoiN BoB in SLC PuNK) and she says no. So what do I do? Keep calling him HeRoiN-FuCKiNG-BoB!



iT iS MTV, THeY HaTe MuSiC THeRe. 8/26/06.

Good link this time. Ripping on Ozzy's show, about making a band that goes to Ozzfest. Trust me you'll love it. Hell I love it just for the music in it. But thats just me, loving music. Just finished DeTHKLoK (It's on earlier than 12:45 A.M. tomorrow).

Anyway, I work tomorrow, and it isn't training. So I will be answering phones, but I don't think it will be all that bad. Unfortunately, I don't have a ride, so I guess I'm basically fucked but who cares? Apparently not you guys.

Don't give me this
Don't give me that
Sometimes I wish that line was flat
Sometimes I stand on that precipice
Sometimes I wish
Sometimes I wish

One of my favorite poems, the author is a sick fuck who only thinks of suicide and death. A (sic) fuck to be sure but not unlike me.

Anywho. You fuckers didn't come here to hear me rant about myself, (maybe) but I doubt it. I'm not famous enough to care about.

So my woman is talking about leaving and going to Bellevue (Washington) and living with her sister. I know it should bother me (a lot!), but it doesn't because all I do is drag her down. WiLLie LoMaN SyNDRoMe (What I call it) is when you have all the dreams in the world (When young) and not acheiving those dreams and growing old (I mean FUCKING OLLLLLDDDD) and still believing that you will attain them. Of course you could I guess (now), but not and someone has an epiphany and tells you that you never will and you realize that you never will and you kill yourself.

Not bad I suppose. But why do it in a car?


SHuT THe HeLL uP! 8/24/06.

As you presently be aware of, my grammar sucks. And I can't spel.

Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub. Yay! DoG.

How totally inappropriate.

Ever want something so bad, that you would do anything for it? Then you realize that you actually wanted what you had before? This is happening to me, but staying the course and hoping it won't end up with me on the shaft. (Crossing fingers, praying, hoping) But what happens when you look back and realize that you should've gone for it? (And you didn't) Huh? What? You get upset. (And buy a gun and kill yourself!)

But what can you do if you don't take chances?
A man's gotta make at least one bet a day, else he could be walking around lucky and never know it.

Jim Jones.

Anyone know him? James Warren "Jim" Jones (May 13, 1931 – November 18, 1978) was the American founder of the Peoples Temple cult. On November 18, 1978, most Peoples Temple members committed mass suicide by drinking poison in their isolated agricultural intentional community called Jonestown, located in the jungle of Guyana. Jones was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head among the 914 corpses there.


You'Re QuiTe THe TaLKaTiVe LiTTLe Fella, aReN'T Ya? 8/22/06.

According to myth gypsies crafted five nails for Christ's execution not four. The fifth nail was meant to pierce his heart, but the gypsies hid the fifth nail from the roman soldiers. In some stories the gypsies were punished by God for prolonging Christ’s suffering, and in others they were rewarded for attempting to protect him. The fifth nail is said to have been a real religious artifact with miraculous powers. Its existence today is somewhat questionable, unless you consider the metaphor.

I got another post that goes along with this first post, so tomorrow (Today) it will be up (Even though it will probably be Thursday).

Ever get part of a song stuck in your head? Annoying as fuck isn't it? Yeah, right now it is CoNTRoL(Tink dat is dah name) from PuDDLe oF MuDD.

I love the way you look at me.

I love the way you smack my ass.

I love the dirty things you do.

I have control of you.

If you hear the song it should leave your head? (Shouldn't it?) But if it doesn't that means that it will never leave and the only way you can get rid of it is to kill yourself (Buy a gun and kill yourself!). Anyway the song that is in your head is probably shared with someone in your head, which should means that if they hear the song they should think about you? (Fuck I'm confused!)
And yes I am a cocky motherfucker.

No that is not me in there, I swear it.


CaN I HeLP You eNJoY THaT? 8/21/06.

Seriously, this game isn't bad. A mix of BooKWoRM and Wheel of Fortune. But the only limit is on your ability to complete the question on the top (And level 11). But try it you might like it (not as much as HoBoWaRS or RuNeSCaPe), but you might.
Or you can just say FUCK IT!
But many things happen in life that fuck it up and you realize that there is nothing you can really do but stay the course (And hope like hell is all cool).

Today is like that, but it's getting better (Like getting closer to 2:45) and I realized that it's not ALL my fault (Though most of the time it is)


HeLLa-fucked up!

Why you gotta HeLLa-be-like that?

This is HeLLa-bullshit!

Fun stuff.

DeTHKLoK is on tah!


THaNKiNG You FoR SMoKiNG. 8/20/06

Yeah, I have that picture of the GRiM ReaPeR with a newspaper that says tobacco deaths will total 1 billion this century.

In the epic words of Martin Luther King.

I have a dream.

And that is to be the one billionth death from big tobacco. I know it is a long shot but hell I can't help it if I want to try. Does that make me a masochist?

Probably, probably not. I really don't give a shit. I can at least try for goals in life. That is all my life is: No plans just goals. Well hell, why try at all? (Why not just buy a gun and kill myself?) Would that be brutal enough for you?

Yay tomorrow is SuNDaY (FuCK CHuRCH! You know what I is saying HoTTiE THuG)! And new DeaTHCLoCK (DeTHKLoK) is on! Is going to be some funny shit about MuRDeRFaCe'S birthday. On Cartoon Network/Adult Swim/12:45. Watch it, live it, love it.


WaR iS THe FoRCe THaT GiVeS uS MeaNiNG.8/18/06.

So I go back to ZaZZLe because I read that more of my shirts have come in. So that is good. My red fist isn't in though so I made it (again). And I want people to visit this link (I know it is in the title, maybe I want you to visit it?)


But the red fist should be up soon on ZaZZLe so I will link to that later.

Something isn't it tho?


PRaNCiNG NouGaT iN THe MeaDoW. 8/16/06.

badeyes t-shirt
So a t-shirt from me (THe PHuCKeR). Yeah I'm promoing myself, cuz if you buy 20 of them and get people to buy 20 of them, I figure I won't need to work. Yeah *Lil' Jon Style*.

Got more but I can't find them, just waiting until they show up, cuz I figure that they will show after a day or two. But got another that has a red fist of anarchy. "Freedom! Rise up for me!"


WHaDDYa MeaN BooZe iSN'T FooD. 8/15/06.

It is not food. But cmon' does it matter if you are a billionaire with a fuckload of money (yes Billionaire means lots of money). I know it has been a while. Hell I've been sick for awhile and I haven't posted because I just loaf on the couch and wait for work to come.

This is from NeWGRouNDS. Cheap place to pick up some hentai and laffs (Remember Retarded Animal Babies). It's awesome. I remember playing ping-pong for an hour to see number 5. I believe it is the best aside from the 11th it is the best ever.

You know what else I hate? Some people that act like they can control you but really have no authority. Pisses me off. What I hate more? People who actually let them other people control them.

I hate myself so much!

Anyway I think I am on the home stretch of freedom, it is almost as sweet as two pussies riding the cock at the same time.

Freedom, Rise up for me!


PuNKS NoT DeaD. 8/6/06.

Punk is not dead... it's just in a coma. The values that they stand for today are not the same as back in the day. Today they have been canned and sold to the masses as fashion. In a discussion, I informed people that no one is unique, in the sense that unique is being different, and being different from everyone else makes no one unique. It is one of those words that is an oxymoron in itself. So in an attempt to revive the old standard of punk, I have taken to the streets in my mob. A small try, in the giant mechinations of the world.

I know I asked this but has anyone ever seen SLC PuNK --->

Good story of a punk in 1985 in, where else Salt Lake City (the MoRMoN stronghold). He talks about how he tries to fuck up the system, in the end he fails, loses a friend (Poor Heroin Bob, and he doesn't die from heroin (he's afraid of needles)), and becomes part of the machine. But it tells of how he survives an almost unstoppable spiral of self-destruction.

And I'm am pissed of at DiCKSHuNaiR-e.KoM, they don't have "self-abuse" (7/23 post). But a WeBSTeRS does. It means masturbation by WeBSTeRS, but not an online dictionary (they don't even have MaSTuRBaTioN).


And Fidel (CaSTRo), I wish you the best.


eVeRyTHiNG i SaY iS a Lie, eXCePT THaT. aND THaT, aND THaT. 8/01/06.

So I am sitting in my little room. Wondering about how tomorrow (today) will be. Will it be fun? Boring? Lonely?. Honestly I could give less of a shit because it will be all three at the same time. I quit caring about three hours ago, when I left work. My main man (MiKo) works with me although he has the early shift, so I don't see him. I got a man as a go between that we both know.

And have I ever told you how much I like LoWeS hardware store. Oh yeah! I love it aLoT! (A LOT! Moron!)

Yeah the previous post was actually yesterday's, I just didn't think I would post again, but today is the 1st, so the previous post is the 31st's and today is the 1st's. Just wanted to clear that up for you guys.

BeTHReZeN iS DyiNG. 8/01/06.

So have you ever made a mix CD for someone? Ever pull out the stops? Finding all the songs for the perfect mix is tough business. Making covers are difficult (Tanx that I don't have to draw them). And making sure all the songs flow semi-smoothly (Not to mention sound good). Finally setting it all down onto paper so you can see all the songs on the CD.

Ok ok. All done. But I actually wanted to mention this on a previous post (Way back in March). Has anyone tried LiMeWiRe? Because this motherfucker works likes butter (Greasy, real greasy). Not as many songs on it as Napster or Kazaa, but fewer files on the database require payment.

This is a unpaid advertisement by a happy customer (One that likes porn).
THe (pH)uCKeR
So so long to breathe
Life into this idea
Which to so so long to conceive
An idea which is growing fast
That I barely believe

Only send hate

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