Seriously, this game isn't bad. A mix of BooKWoRM and Wheel of Fortune. But the only limit is on your ability to complete the question on the top
(And level 11). But try it you might like it
(not as much as HoBoWaRS or RuNeSCaPe), but you might.

Or you can just say
But many things happen in life that fuck it up and you realize that there is nothing you can really do but stay the course
(And hope like hell is all cool).
Today is like that, but it's getting better
(Like getting closer to 2:45) and I realized that it's not
ALL my fault
(Though most of the time it is)HeLLa-dumb!
HeLLa-fucked up!
Why you gotta HeLLa-be-like that?
This is HeLLa-bullshit!
Fun stuff.
DeTHKLoK is on tah!
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