iT iS MTV, THeY HaTe MuSiC THeRe. 8/26/06.

Anyway, I work tomorrow, and it isn't training. So I will be answering phones, but I don't think it will be all that bad. Unfortunately, I don't have a ride, so I guess I'm basically fucked but who cares? Apparently not you guys.
Don't give me this
Don't give me that
Sometimes I wish that line was flat
Sometimes I stand on that precipice
Sometimes I wish
Sometimes I wish
One of my favorite poems, the author is a sick fuck who only thinks of suicide and death. A (sic) fuck to be sure but not unlike me.
Anywho. You fuckers didn't come here to hear me rant about myself, (maybe) but I doubt it. I'm not famous enough to care about.
So my woman is talking about leaving and going to Bellevue (Washington) and living with her sister. I know it should bother me (a lot!), but it doesn't because all I do is drag her down. WiLLie LoMaN SyNDRoMe (What I call it) is when you have all the dreams in the world (When young) and not acheiving those dreams and growing old (I mean FUCKING OLLLLLDDDD) and still believing that you will attain them. Of course you could I guess (now), but not and someone has an epiphany and tells you that you never will and you realize that you never will and you kill yourself.
Not bad I suppose. But why do it in a car?
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