SHuT THe HeLL uP! 8/24/06.

Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub. Yay! DoG.
How totally inappropriate.
Ever want something so bad, that you would do anything for it? Then you realize that you actually wanted what you had before? This is happening to me, but staying the course and hoping it won't end up with me on the shaft. (Crossing fingers,
But what can you do if you don't take chances?
A man's gotta make at least one bet a day, else he could be walking around lucky and never know it.
Jim Jones.
Anyone know him? James Warren "Jim" Jones (May 13, 1931 – November 18, 1978) was the American founder of the Peoples Temple cult. On November 18, 1978, most Peoples Temple members committed mass suicide by drinking poison in their isolated agricultural intentional community called Jonestown, located in the jungle of Guyana. Jones was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head among the 914 corpses there.

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