THaNKiNG You FoR SMoKiNG. 8/20/06

In the epic words of Martin Luther King.
I have a dream.
And that is to be the one billionth death from big tobacco. I know it is a long shot but hell I can't help it if I want to try. Does that make me a masochist?
Probably, probably not. I really don't give a shit. I can at least try for goals in life. That is all my life is: No plans just goals. Well hell, why try at all? (Why not just buy a gun and kill myself?) Would that be brutal enough for you?
Yay tomorrow is SuNDaY (FuCK CHuRCH! You know what I is saying HoTTiE THuG)! And new DeaTHCLoCK (DeTHKLoK) is on! Is going to be some funny shit about MuRDeRFaCe'S birthday. On Cartoon Network/Adult Swim/12:45. Watch it, live it, love it.

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