WHy MuST PeoPLe CoMe To a CoNSeNSuS WHeN THeY'Re PiSSeD. 6/30/06.

The copyright business is booming it seems. Everyone is on the verge of getting something. But today it seems we are just getting lazy and just cramming stuff together like these images.

When are we going to stop being so lazy? One word. Never! Of course this doesn't bother me, as long as I can understand what the creator is trying to get across. So neither should you and IF you don't you should shot thrice (three time).
Actually today is just about how everyone talks shit about something (America) and when something bad happens (9/11) they fanaticize and do nothing but talk about how great it (America) is. Now don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with America (Except it's laws about drugs) and I enjoy the freedoms we get from living here. So fuck fuck fuck you in the asshole W., fuck you in your stupid asshole with Longhorn dick. Jesus banged Marie for miles and Nero was a god. Satans' bitch is in the White House and doing his job everyday.
Done with that then.
True WMD's.

Wait, no we can't, damn you DEA for ruining everything I never even got to enjoy (really). And now the urges are weak, but still there. I'm such a loser that I laff (not enough funny to totally write out) at TLC's Take Home Chef. THC the psycho-active drug in marijuana, I just started laffing while watching a Baby Story (not under my own will). I wouldn't touch that shit with my ten-foot pole (my dick).
But I am going to wrap this up before I start ranting, or rambling...that reminds me of a funny story about coffee logs that you put in the fireplace.
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