
WHy MuST PeoPLe CoMe To a CoNSeNSuS WHeN THeY'Re PiSSeD. 6/30/06.

The copyright business is booming it seems. Everyone is on the verge of getting something. But today it seems we are just getting lazy and just cramming stuff together like these images.

When are we going to stop being so lazy? One word. Never! Of course this doesn't bother me, as long as I can understand what the creator is trying to get across. So neither should you and IF you don't you should shot thrice (three time).

Actually today is just about how everyone talks shit about something (America) and when something bad happens (9/11) they fanaticize and do nothing but talk about how great it (America) is. Now don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with America (Except it's laws about drugs) and I enjoy the freedoms we get from living here. So fuck fuck fuck you in the asshole W., fuck you in your stupid asshole with Longhorn dick. Jesus banged Marie for miles and Nero was a god. Satans' bitch is in the White House and doing his job everyday.


Done with that then.

True WMD's.
In a time such as this one needs to go and "expand" ones mind.*hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink*

Wait, no we can't, damn you DEA for ruining everything I never even got to enjoy (really). And now the urges are weak, but still there. I'm such a loser that I laff (not enough funny to totally write out) at TLC's Take Home Chef. THC the psycho-active drug in marijuana, I just started laffing while watching a Baby Story (not under my own will). I wouldn't touch that shit with my ten-foot pole (my dick).

But I am going to wrap this up before I start ranting, or rambling...that reminds me of a funny story about coffee logs that you put in the fireplace.



Good ganj place

This was the first pot I ever smoked that tore me up. It's the best because I was first smoking it in my friends front yard (MeRTZ you fucker) at like 10 p.m.. We just sat on lawn chairs right in front of the road. Hell we didn't care. About 10 minutes after my first hit, I felt FuKT uP! The fear crept into me because sitting in a lawn chair and tilting my head back I felt like a bobble-head on a dash.



For all of you that don't know, (there is a minority of you that don't) this is Eric Estrada. He played on a cop show called "CHIPS" (California HIghway Patrol (don't know what the "S" is for, maybe Show).) and he was the Mexican guy. I forget his name. Oh well.

Back to the task. This title is KoRN/Life is Peachy/10.Wicked. It's a cover from Ice Cube, featuring Chino Moreno from the Deftones. Actually it's really cool, but the best one is Twist, coming in with 59 seconds of no words (Just Jon beatboxing or some shit). Awesome, yeah.

So here I am with my pack of Monster and cheap Rip-It's, my heart all thumping in my chest like bass. And I have been sitting on the couch all day wondering about drugs. Two of the best books I heard about pyschedelic drug making are PiHKAL and TiHKAL (thats exact spelling, try googling or on, there are over 150 drugs you can make in there per book. Freakin' Sweet *Peter Griffin voice*.

Still wanting to get some White Rhino you know what I mean. And I have gotten to the point where I don't have any money so I can't buy any smokables. So the genus (genius) in me is going to take some leaves from my trees, wrap them and smoke them.



Just seems to me that laughing babies are demonickle. Not like teh single one. But multiple ones laughing at the same time are just evil. (And yet it is still so funny!)
Gots mah farwurx. Nice bottle-rockets and farcrakrs. (Oh and some sparklers. They can melt plastic like that *snaps fingers* and yet because of some aSS GoBLiNS we can't play with the semi-explosive ones.

|Ever wonder what it would be like for
|_DaRTH MauL going down on you ladies?? Thanks dad for saying it (R.I.P.).

NoTHeR FuN-e BaY-B



So it's been awhile (again) since I posted but I got a sweet new game, on the 18th. And that has taken all the time from then until now. Worked as a coiler in a PVC pipe factory. Got fired (again). Ummm. Shit that's actually it. Worked from 3-11pm at iNTeRSTaTe PLaSTiC and got super-addicted to energy drinks. MoNSTeR "KHaoS" is my fave, (right now) but I haven't forgotten my first ReD BuLL, BiTCHeS. The only reason why I am not drinking ReD BuLL, BiTCHeS is because on the price tag. MoNSTeR "KHaoS" is cheaper than ReD BuLL, BiTCHeS, but I will save up money to get a twenty pack of ReD BuLL, BiTCHeS. I need one right now so I will leave and maybe masturbate. Bye.





DaY oF THe BeaST

In Back to the Future 2. When Marty goes into the future, he changes the whole timeline. He wouldn't have his own family. This is because the whole existence continues on without him. Jennifer, his girlfriend, would still be alive but with someone else. So now that is cleared up.

So The Omen came out today, so you know that there is going to be some dumbshit doing something satannical. It's just in human nature to be curious (i.e. stupid) & D-V-eNT. Just wait it will be in the papers tomorrow.

I Naired my crotch today (3 days ago) and it's still smooth. But if you do decide to use it, use the fake razor. I washed it off and it was like The Fly where he peels off his fingernail. It didn't hurt, but I knew it should have. And when I pulled on the hair, it gave with some force, not a lot. It separated from the skin and a patch was missing. Mangy

DiSGuSTiNG! (vury, vury).

For those in a sexual rut, have you tried her on top on an ottoman? Its wide enough to hold me, yet small and low enough for her to put her feet on the floor, if she wants to. It's about 2'wide x 3'long x 1'high. Leads to the good squirting orgasms.


FouRTH aND FiNaL (FoR ToDaY)


Today I feel really inventive (borders along rambling more like it). But I maybe I am catching up for all the lost time I wasted doing my own thing and living in a house of my own. So what this is my third post in one day!

Holy goddamn-jesus ball tits ass goblineer!

I might even post once more before today turns into tomorrow right now it's 313v3n 73n 9 M.

So this is another way of me saying look at the way the world is run today. When I was at the concert you could only smoke in the bathroom. And the drunk fuckers in there were pist (I know). So one dumb fucker is like "This isn't United States of Canada." Well hell Canada hasn't run a deficit since '97, isn't involved in Iraq, and has legal marijuana. And hey all the fagets can get married there. Are you a "terrorist", sympathizing with convicts, well they ain't got a death penalty. So go to Canada, 9 out of 10 Terroristic, Pot-Smoking, Butt-Fucking Pussies say it's the best.
Disclaimer: Except for that little country of Rand-McNalley, where people walk on their hands and burgers eat people.

The title for this post comes from a meat in a sandwich I ate while doing community service. CHiLoGNa: It is a reference to a pressed meat made from two or more different kinds. Chicken and Bologna equals CHiLoGNa, but not all CHiLoGNa equals Chicken and Bologna.


This list I compiled while I worked in Wal-Mart (in Post Falls, on Mullan)
Cosmetics/Body Ointments-2,46,65
Sporting Goods-9
Home Furnishings-20,21,22
Food/Pop(2 liters) and Water-92,95
Impulse Items-34,84

Hur's something I found while the little catalog of blogs rolled through. Po-M's. Just cuz I write about destruction and deviance doesn't mean I don't have an artistic side. Heres a Fib:

Murder All
Destruction Comes Here
And I follow it willingly.

So there you go, the list is for shoplifting so, you know what departments are being watched. And the name is from when the store was first started up (WAL-MART & GREAT FLOORS). No joke.


There comes a point in time when an adrenaline rush becomes an addiction. Sometimes its the point when you are stealing a CD, some money, or sex toy. Some times you can get a simple rush from just OWN1NG someone. 19239.

Anyways I started posting again right after I got back from the SeeTHeR concert in Spokane. So that makes today the 3rd of June. Oh well fuck it. So from March to June, I've had three court dates, a firing from Wal-Mart(for pushing a cart into the back right quarter-panel of a 2002 Dodge Pickup ::haha fuck you Ed Naylor, I knew I hit it, but faked I didn't), got married, over 2800 dollars of back pay for death benefits, had to move in with my mom, got high, almost punched out a 40 something year old bitch, and the concert.

THe (pH)uCKeR
So so long to breathe
Life into this idea
Which to so so long to conceive
An idea which is growing fast
That I barely believe

Only send hate

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