For all of you that don't know, (there is a minority of you that don't) this is Eric Estrada. He played on a cop show called "CHIPS" (California HIghway Patrol (don't know what the "S" is for, maybe Show).) and he was the Mexican guy. I forget his name. Oh well.
Back to the task. This title is KoRN/Life is Peachy/10.Wicked. It's a cover from Ice Cube, featuring Chino Moreno from the Deftones. Actually it's really cool, but the best one is Twist, coming in with 59 seconds of no words (Just Jon beatboxing or some shit). Awesome, yeah.
So here I am with my pack of Monster and cheap Rip-It's, my heart all thumping in my chest like bass. And I have been sitting on the couch all day wondering about drugs. Two of the best books I heard about pyschedelic drug making are PiHKAL and TiHKAL (thats exact spelling, try googling or on amazon.com), there are over 150 drugs you can make in there per book. Freakin' Sweet *Peter Griffin voice*.
Still wanting to get some White Rhino you know what I mean. And I have gotten to the point where I don't have any money so I can't buy any smokables. So the genus (genius) in me is going to take some leaves from my trees, wrap them and smoke them.
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