Today I feel really inventive (borders along rambling more like it). But I maybe I am catching up for all the lost time I wasted doing my own thing and living in a house of my own. So what this is my third post in one day!
Holy goddamn-jesus ball tits ass goblineer!
I might even post once more before today turns into tomorrow right now it's 313v3n 73n 9 M.
So this is another way of me saying look at the way the world is run today. When I was at the concert you could only smoke in the bathroom. And the drunk fuckers in there were pist (I know). So one dumb fucker is like "This isn't United States of Canada." Well hell Canada hasn't run a deficit since '97, isn't involved in Iraq, and has legal marijuana. And hey all the fagets can get married there. Are you a "terrorist", sympathizing with convicts, well they ain't got a death penalty. So go to Canada, 9 out of 10 Terroristic, Pot-Smoking, Butt-Fucking Pussies say it's the best.
Disclaimer: Except for that little country of Rand-McNalley, where people walk on their hands and burgers eat people.
The title for this post comes from a meat in a sandwich I ate while doing community service. CHiLoGNa: It is a reference to a pressed meat made from two or more different kinds. Chicken and Bologna equals CHiLoGNa, but not all CHiLoGNa equals Chicken and Bologna.
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