

"Get your hands off my fag!" wheezes long-time smoker Freddy Summers. "I've been smoking for fifty years and it's never done me any harm. Helps me concentrate, it does! The government should back off on trying to tell me what I can put into my own body. Telling a smoker he can't light up in a restaurant is discrimination, pure and simple. If you want to put a stop to unfairness, stop that."


CaFFieNe DReaMZ. 6/27/07

In the dead of night
Blind flyers are we
That we don't give a shit
As to where we are heading
A chaos pool in deep blood
And amid amniotic fluid coming
Away from our first source of life.
Like flannel shirts in a garbage bag,
The constant flow of water reminds me
Of where I must go and I wonder
If I have ever breathed?

How much of this is falsehood?
How much have I been hurt?
All & None
None & All

I hope it's neither.


WHeRe iS THe CHoPPy FiSH? 6/16/07

Sheaun tha' Bega' is my big orange pussy (cat). He's actually just extra fluffy giving him that morbidly obese appearance. I often wondered if he was actually a she, but while staying at my aunts house, he (we assume) got their cat pregnant, so we're just waiting to see if the kittens look anything like him. Now I wonder if someone would make a Jerry Springer but for animals? (What a failure).

Have you ever seen your favorite old cartoons now that you're older? It's very depressing for me. Like the ten second set-up to fall.

I'm going to fall! Oh shit oh shit ohhhh shittttt! (7 second delay) Then they fall.

Does everyone have that "friend" who gets everything they want? And in the end just uses you for the shit that you got? I think that everyone does. And you need to get off you knee's sucking the genitalia which is their stuff, and tell them to buy a gun and kill themselves'. They're like a zombie that feeds on the brains which is all your cool shit.

What is with Geico and Burt Baccarach? The new radiomercial makes him sound so gay (about getting hit in the rear?). So what the fuck is up? What happened to 'the world needs love?' (left it open)

Why does everyone seem to like Pamela Anderson? All she is, is a dumb slut blonde that cares more about looks than personality.
  • Dumb - Supports P.E.T.A. ('nuff sed).

  • Slut - The video (Paris' is better (Haha bitch you went to JAIL!))

  • Blonde - Beach Blonde hair DUH! or it's Platinum (Whateva')

  • Looks over Personality - Married Tommy Lee twice and was with Kid Rock. Got implants removed so people would like her for her. Then got them back because "SHE" liked them.

Now why do I get the distinct feeling everyone hates me? IS it really because they all just hate themselves?

Mediocrity=Me Cry Idiot(Napoleon Dynamite style).

A natural staple to this point of nothing. "Ex Nihilo Nil Fit" // Out of nothing, nothing comes, and I'm sure that this belongs to you in some way.

MoRTuS DeR SouLSTeaLeR likes puppies.

I love Zim (the invader), but I wonder if there really are aliens out there. Then at some point I think the line blurred and it pisses me off, that I still don't have my GED (and I'm 20 now). Now this is something that you expect in Idaho, because all the jobs here involve wood or potatoes (either growing or frying). So I am unemployed again (originally written two days ago). This time is my fastest at a job @ 3 days (not including temp jobs) and everyone there were complete bitches (except 3). And they can all (except 3) can fuck off and die.

And I am not worried about it, because I'm laughing more. Erin decided to bitch at this other girl (ain't 18, yet). Here we go:
We were closing the store and we're all tired. We (Erin and me) were ahead and Erin had stopped, much to my chagrin (I really don't know) I turned around. I saw the girl Erin was talking to have that slack-jawed look (like huh? *der-der). At that instant I turned around because I knew what had already happened.

"What did you say?"

"I told her she was a cunt."

And it doesn't help that our friends meet us by chance and are still laughing about it.

"High five, you're a cunt!" (Borat voice).


THe iNSiDe iS NaTuRaL, THe ouTSiDe iS PLaSTiC. 6/10/07.

Now it's pretty fucked up (SuperSuckers). and how people change and it's for the worse. And they somehow don't see it (I'm included). Makes you just want to slam their head into a wall.

So my ex got our kids taken away which explains why I got swamped with calls saying 'What a fucker I was' and how much of this is my fault. The bitch got me kicked out and then she calls me on the day I get back from court saying she wants help to move back into my mothers house. (For some reason her mom wouldn't even lend a finger). So she plays the card of me being petty that because I won't help her I don't love the kids, and I play the 'self-reliance test' card on her.

So I just want to kill them all, because that solves all my problems.

And my mothers' new man has her changes so much. Is it normal for a woman to rip a shelf and stereo off the wall because it's on a rock station? NO but for my mom (yes). Is she going to get married on July 7th (doesn't that have something to do with the bible?). She's barely known this man for half a year. This wouldn't bother me but she a nice truck and house and he has nothing. So that's my problem (Maybe time would help). I just hope he leaves her for what she has done and will do. Or he just fucks her over and everyone had told her that just so I can say 'I told you, you fucking dumb bitch!'

I think my life has gotten back on track and that is thanks to Erin (besides that kids being gone). Everything else has been a plus.

Posted by: RICK_JAMES_BITCH - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 18, 2006 05:21PM

the socks rock dude! put a chick in them socks...and unless she has a face that looks like its been hit with a bat! i'd be damn pleased. Aye assbarber, i checked your page man, the jury's out. I see no reason why it could'nt be your MRS, you might be one of these fellas who likes other dudes lookin at his gurl. My gurls pretty damn dilectable too, but if anyone wanted to see her pussy, they'd best be prepared to see a mai empi uchi to the fuckin face! ( front elbow strike(i teach martial arts )
Anyway, you must be a super regular here. How the hell are you ever supposed to find your old posts??? this sites go fuckin millions of pics! i've yet to come across my own posts a second time even!
now..back into caracter....(cough cough)


oLD CaFFieNe DReaMZ. 6/7/07.

Why are there electronic locks on the doors of retirement homes? Old people can't get out and why would anyone want to take the place hostage? And if anyone did how many years of life would be lost? Like 10?
I know it isn't right but it's funny and you're probably laughing because it's funny.

Many people (including me) wonder why Bush was elected (or re-elected for that matter)? Is it because he secretly controls the right? Easily ruled out (requires too much intelligence).
This gives rise to the theory that Cheney is the master and Bush is just a puppet (a shitty job at that) and setting himself up for the next presidency (or emperor as things are going now). Or maybe people just can't read?

What happens if someone is going down on you (or giving head as the case may be) and they have a cold sore? Does that mean you get herpes too?

This I find all amazing as to how shocked and offended we become when someone assualts our beliefs (or bands). That we actually see the true human form in all it's vulgarities, eccentricities, and idiocies. Only after we have see that do we truly see a person. And there s that time when you see someone, who you thought was infallible (Jesus?) and it just kind of fucks your world over.

* Not that I believe in Jesus. My mind is not open enough to believe all the gaps and plot holes in a 2000 year old fairy-tale.


BaCK FRoM HiGHaTuS! 6/04/07.

There is really nothing that I can account for that would explain why I haven't posted in forever. Maybe because I really haven't had access to a computer (which isn't true). Um so not much going on since April, had my birthday (almost totally sucked), went to Static-X and yes! am going back to court tomorrow. Because we all know I love going back to court and dealing with the fuckers that always ruin my life (bastards).

So for once in my life I think things may be ok... in a while. And yes today was my little boy's birthday. Which I actually got him something (lots of Play-doh (he liks eating it)), and I called my mom about when his party was (which is set for the 9th) and his mother calls and says 'Thanks for the shitty party, seems no one cares about him.' (Maybe everyone just hates you and wants you to die...hmmmm).

SO that is the end the end of this post which is just me gearing up for another one later. So long (pH)uCKeRS!
THe (pH)uCKeR
So so long to breathe
Life into this idea
Which to so so long to conceive
An idea which is growing fast
That I barely believe

Only send hate

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