BaCK FRoM HiGHaTuS! 6/04/07.
There is really nothing that I can account for that would explain why I haven't posted in forever. Maybe because I really haven't had access to a computer (which isn't true). Um so not much going on since April, had my birthday (almost totally sucked), went to Static-X and yes! am going back to court tomorrow. Because we all know I love going back to court and dealing with the fuckers that always ruin my life (bastards).

So for once in my life I think things may be ok... in a while. And yes today was my little boy's birthday. Which I actually got him something (lots of Play-doh (he liks eating it)), and I called my mom about when his party was (which is set for the 9th) and his mother calls and says 'Thanks for the shitty party, seems no one cares about him.' (Maybe everyone just hates you and wants you to die...hmmmm).
SO that is the end the end of this post which is just me gearing up for another one later. So long (pH)uCKeRS!
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