My HeaRT iS a FiST DReNCHeD iN BLooD 2/15/07
Happy late Valentines Day. A happy day for the commercialist big business sector of America. A day when people buy gifts for one another (and I ain't complaining!) and chocolate, so not only do we get more junk but also get fatter. 
Fuck You America.------>
So I saw someone from my past who remembered RiTaLiN and wondered what happened to it. I had the unfortunate job of informing her that because of the BooK oF SLaNG it was cancelled. After that I figured I would revive it somewhat and put some of the shit from it, here. Like how to make NaPaLM and other shit. So for the first installment of the new revitalization of the is going to be NaPaLM just because it is so easy for anyone to make.
A container
Put a little bit of gas into the container (MR. GiGGLeS uses Kerr jars). You can also have styrofoam but you will need a lot of it. And the gas has to bubble when the styrofoam is added. To make sure of purity shake vigorously at least once a day or stab with a pencil or other utensil to ensure that the styrofoam is all mixed.
Soap chips (anyway you can get them)
A container
Double boiler
About the best fire bomb is napalm. It has a thick consistency, like jam and is best for use on vehicles or buildings. Napalm is simply one part gasoline and one part soap. The soap is either soap flakes or shredded bar soap. Detergents won't do as well. The gasoline must be heated in order for the soap to melt. The usual way is with a double boiler where the top part has at least a two-quart capacity. The water in the bottom part is brought to a boil and the double boiler is taken from the stove and carried to where there is no flame. Then one part, by volume, of gasoline is put in the top part and allowed to heat as much as it will and the soap is added and the mess is stirred until it thickens. A better way to heat gasoline is to fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can get it. It will hold its heat longer and permit a much larger container than will the double boiler.
And I plan on posting again within the next few days with another implement of destruction. *And remember these instructions are merely for informational purposes and interested readers and I (MR. GiGGLeS/THe (pH)uCKeR) do not "want" you using these becuase some of the others are felonies. C'mon who wants to get busted for some stupid shit like this. So in conclusion with a destructive smile on my face and my middle finger the flag that I wave. I readily sell my soul again for the freedom that it will bring. At least I hope that I can bring it to someone.
Fuck You America.------>
So I saw someone from my past who remembered RiTaLiN and wondered what happened to it. I had the unfortunate job of informing her that because of the BooK oF SLaNG it was cancelled. After that I figured I would revive it somewhat and put some of the shit from it, here. Like how to make NaPaLM and other shit. So for the first installment of the new revitalization of the is going to be NaPaLM just because it is so easy for anyone to make.
A container
Put a little bit of gas into the container (MR. GiGGLeS uses Kerr jars). You can also have styrofoam but you will need a lot of it. And the gas has to bubble when the styrofoam is added. To make sure of purity shake vigorously at least once a day or stab with a pencil or other utensil to ensure that the styrofoam is all mixed.
Soap chips (anyway you can get them)
A container
Double boiler
About the best fire bomb is napalm. It has a thick consistency, like jam and is best for use on vehicles or buildings. Napalm is simply one part gasoline and one part soap. The soap is either soap flakes or shredded bar soap. Detergents won't do as well. The gasoline must be heated in order for the soap to melt. The usual way is with a double boiler where the top part has at least a two-quart capacity. The water in the bottom part is brought to a boil and the double boiler is taken from the stove and carried to where there is no flame. Then one part, by volume, of gasoline is put in the top part and allowed to heat as much as it will and the soap is added and the mess is stirred until it thickens. A better way to heat gasoline is to fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can get it. It will hold its heat longer and permit a much larger container than will the double boiler.
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