TiK, TiK, Tik, TiK. 1/6/07

So good stuff, ummm my Christmas didn't suck, got a MuDvAyNe Dvd & matchin' drumsticks, and a Psychostick's "We Couldn't Think of a Title". Played Final Fantasy 12 (and I hate the series!), and Twilight Princess from Zelda. The "Toilet Princess" (As Erin puts it) made me think of Wind Waker and how much it rocks. Played dat and now I'm gonna play Ocarina of Time, and play my ocarina (Yes I have one) along with it. And then I got a Cd called Thank You Purple Jesus (I ain't playing seriously). The 2nd song by MeSoPoTaMia-Secret Snore sounds like old Nintendo music (You know the kind from the grey console). So I just hope someone, mainly the producer will tell me about it or someone hopefully if you read this and put it there at St. Vinny's, you can email me and tell me something.

Did I ever mention how much I like Wikipedia? I had a couple of revelations like I know what a Donkey Punch is and a Cleveland Steamer just makes me (sic!). Anyway, I love how Wiki has everything you could ever need. Even if it does make me fucking (sic!) as a dog.
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