DRiNK aS SLoW, LooK TWiCe aND You'LL GeT FuKT. 11/03/06.

All your faces I can see
You all think it's about me
I'm about to break
Is this my fate?
Am I still damned to a life,
of misery and hate?
You will never know
What I've done for you
What you are
Got me through
I'd do it for you
I could have, never lived
If it wasn't, for you.
Some awesomeness for you guys there, is it snowing for you guys yet? It's doing it here, (up in iDaHiZZLe) and it sucks cuz then it just means more problems for everything, like how fucking cold it is, how fucked up driving is, how people reach new lows because of the Christmas rush. I used to hate Christmas, now I fucking hate it. (Just fucking with you hippies) I don't cuz I love the presents I gets. I love a lot of other presents from people. Not much to say today and you're all fucking lucky.
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