THiS BLoG iS VoiD, iF You ReMoVe THe TaG. 1/31/07.

Random word meshings with a backwards N wrapped around a two footed rabbit named tripod like a crazy broad she sucks the dick. Biting my balls too hard makes me (sic). I take her upon me she knows nothing about a hard boiled egg that had been scrambled and a grandfather clock with a giant razor blade for a pendulum. Fuck if I'm dumb then in her mouth I cum.
Dehumanize yourself. Live and go to hell. It's like Texas where an idiots missing. Fuck where is he!?Punk in Drublic for Tuesday's, When Sunday isn't enough Booze subservient muff Dive into a pool of blood Bath with a running Fawcett Tom's an idiot forgetful Prof. Plum fucks Madame Peacock in the bondage room with pussy dice and a bowling pin. And forgiven of sin and let those who don't know win.

He flew just a little bit. Dropped his gun and spilt his shit. Loves his twat (hairy and smelly) and plays the flesh whistle with Nelson Rockefelly. 11:30 is almost here. Shoot a rubber and fuck the queer. Grain as red as blood, shiny like wet pussy. Fuzzy like a fourteen year old face, put together with super glue and tape. Whose turn to get raped? 'They' "they" shout (the

The Y is a blade from the Florida Everglades. And I definitely want to put a Bullitt in the head of every scientist that couldn't get Haleys' comet to fuck the moon. Intern we swoon of a cow jumping over June. Poisonous hole in the head spew the life of which will soon be dead. Vacuum the world and be afraid of one forever. Crying when you clean isn't that something. Bling Bling Clit ring with one in shit. White Rhino is the best when I am FuKT ^ and then the bitch won't let me rest. Is this a test? of my ignorance? Is it bliss to forget? Questions cum questions when my prose is frozen. The lights only dim in a world beyond and I forget to put weights on in the pond scum rise out of the muck. Naked as hell and smeely ass fuck. I will know when the world will end in my head maybe we are dead. Rise from the graves grab a canoe and grab my lathe. And in your blood I won't bathe.
Inside this book if you take a look. As Cobainn said 'If you read you'll judge.' I am not you who packs the fudge. A clear plastic mirror inside a couch. Would (if it could) stand up and vouch that your ass is fat, but you don't know that. And take a baseball bat in your ass as you pass gas and spontaneously explode, when you made my heart corrode.
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