NSFW (NeVeR SaFe FoR WoRK). 9/03/2006.

What happens when your foundation of your life crumbles? I don't know because they don't teach it in school. And honestly right now, (Aside from quoting movies) I have this wave of melancholy sweeping through me and I feel as though I will always be a loser, working in a dead-end job, scraping money to spend. Always.
Anyway onto happier news, the title link is a good one! (Not lying this time, promise).

Sometimes the wave of melancholy is so heavy and depressing that the thoughts (You know the ones) come and I wonder why I even breathe? I look at my little daughter when she smiles at me and bounces up and down talking in her own language. And then all my sorrow is lifted and I realize that my own thoughts and feelings a petty and insignificant. What matters is how much she and I mean to each other. And how I will have two more in December, and how they at least need to know me somewhat.
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