
NSFW (NeVeR SaFe FoR WoRK). 9/03/2006.

As you should all know by now that this site is never a safe place to visit in front of co-workers/ acqaintances. (Basically anybody that doesn't know you well enough to understand the inner machinations of your mind). My point is this should never be viewed while at work with either female or homosexual workers. Period. End of story.

What happens when your foundation of your life crumbles? I don't know because they don't teach it in school. And honestly right now, (Aside from quoting movies) I have this wave of melancholy sweeping through me and I feel as though I will always be a loser, working in a dead-end job, scraping money to spend. Always.

Anyway onto happier news, the title link is a good one! (Not lying this time, promise).

Sometimes the wave of melancholy is so heavy and depressing that the thoughts (You know the ones) come and I wonder why I even breathe? I look at my little daughter when she smiles at me and bounces up and down talking in her own language. And then all my sorrow is lifted and I realize that my own thoughts and feelings a petty and insignificant. What matters is how much she and I mean to each other. And how I will have two more in December, and how they at least need to know me somewhat.


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THe (pH)uCKeR
So so long to breathe
Life into this idea
Which to so so long to conceive
An idea which is growing fast
That I barely believe

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