
WHeN WiLL iT RaiN? 3/22/07

That is what I keep saying to myself, but do I really have to wait until April? Yesterday was the first day of spring and on the 14th I saw my first robin so is that "technically" the first day of spring? Whatever it doesn't really make sense now does it.

Murder claim rocks cricket showcase.

KINGSTON - Jamaican police launched a murder inquiry on Thursday into the death of Pakistan cricket coach Bob Woolmer at the World Cup, saying he was strangled.

The death on Sunday was "due to asphyxia as a result of manual strangulation," according to a police statement read to a news conference at the Pegasus Hotel in Kingston where Woolmer was found unconscious before he died on Sunday.

"Bob was a large man -- it would have taken some force," deputy commissioner Mark Shields said. "Hopefully we will bring the killers to justice as soon as possible. We will use every energy we possibly have to track down the killers."

A day before the 58-year-old Briton died, leading contenders Pakistan were eliminated from the World Cup by debutants Ireland in a result which stunned cricket.

The sport's governing body said the World Cup would continue despite the shock of Woolmer's murder which has completely overshadowed the seven-week tournament being played in the Caribbean for the first time.

There was growing media speculation on Thursday that Woolmer had fallen victim to a "betting mafia."

Asked about these suggestions, Shields said: "Everything you have heard would be a line of inquiry." He said no stone would be unturned into discovering why Woolmer was murdered.

It was known that he was writing a book at the time of his death but its contents were unknown. Shields said there could be one or more people involved in the actual killing but added that there was no evidence of forced entry into his hotel room.

The police have seized the hotel's electronic security recordings as part of the investigation and are still awaiting results of toxicology and histology (science of examining body tissue) tests. Pakistan team media manager Pervez Mir, told Reuters on Thursday that the security at the hotel was too "lax" in his opinion.


International Cricket Council (ICC) chief executive Malcolm Speed said: "We face shock and outrage and great sadness for Bob's family. There has been speculation that as a result of all this, the World Cup will be discontinued. That will not be the case.

"Perhaps it will be a measure of the game and its resolve as to how we can complete this World Cup in view of this shock.------>"

He said the former London Metropolitan Police commissioner Paul Condon was standing by and willing to assist with the murder inquiry. Condon has been involved with helping the ICC fight corruption within the sport.

Shields added that the Metropolitan Police, South African and Pakistan forces had been contacted over the investigation but so far the Jamaican police were working solely on the case. The Pakistan cricket team, who flew from Kingston to Montego Bay within Jamaica earlier on Thursday, said they were shocked by the latest development.

"Tragic, yes, worrying yes, because we have a member of our team, a national coach of Pakistan who has been murdered and this is not something which can be taken lightly," Mir told reporters.

"We are all very worried right now."

Am I the only one who is laughing? Honestly this is kind of funny because you don't think of Cricket as being a violent sport? I don't live in the EU or the UK so I really don't give a shit about Cricket. So with that being said I say

"Fuck the hell off!"


YeaH aND i CouLD Be YouR DaD, BuT THe DoG BeaT Me oVeR THe FeNCe. 3/17/07.

Since when was it weird to explore all sexuall horizons?

If no one causes confusion then no confusion ensues. I can't believe I'm saying this but I suppose South Park was right about the whole episode with Butters at Gay Camp. If no one says there is a problem, there wouldn't be one. But everyone is just an uptight motherfucker with no common sense or patience who can't wait for a problem to mellow out. They see something outside the norm and automatically have a problem with it.

So the moral of the story is, if you don't start trouble there won't be trouble and that is what everyone wants trouble no touble.

P.S. The second moral of the story is if you want a body to stay underwater, you need to cut the stomach open.


HeY! FuCK oFF DeaTH! 3/15/07

I could be a soda jerk. Now go play hide and go fuck yourself. See I like sex, is nice (from BoRaT). An army platoon of men standing in quicksand waiting for a four star hotel in GiTMo. The heat is on in your mouth, and it tastes just like semen.

Seeing part of aN iNCoNVieNT TRuTH made me think about global warming. I had an "epiphany" (I suppose) about how it could just be a phase in the earths' cycle of life. About how the world just heating could be like what happened to the dinosaurs. It will be superhot/humid and small islands of what remain of the continents. The aquatic swimmers will rule but the amphibious will be the gods. But if you actually think about it, almost all the creatures would be amphibious.

I also beleive that humans (if any remain) who can survive in high altitiudes will be here the longest. Much like Waterworld that is how I figure global warming will be. But apparently everyone super adapted and was able to breathe at 25000 ft above sea level.

And I hate how people who reveiw sports equipment and the say they can't handle it and rate it poorly because the can't use it as well as their old shit. Mainly because they have been using it for however fucking long it has been. Bullshit!
  • Go 2 HeLL = 7734206

  • 2 = to/too

  • 1 = one

  • 8 = -ate/ate/-aight

  • 4 = for

  • 0 = O

  • 1 = I

  • 2 = Z

  • 3 = E

  • 4 = H

  • 5 = S

  • 6 = G

  • 7 = L

  • 8 = B

Oreo party is 2 blacks and a white orgy

Chips Ahoy party is 2 or more moley (having moles) people fucking.

Trisexual "adj" : Trying anything sexual

And gay chicken is actually gayer than two gay men having gay anal sex.


i HaD a PReMoNiTioN iT WouLD SuCK. 3/5/07.

Piano Concert on MuCHoSuCKo.CoM
And I'm over here with a leash around my neck and a cell phone in my ass, and how commercialism rapes the minds of the masses. And how completely fukt the consumers are after watching a Prego ad.
I'm just so pissed today. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I met with my probation officer, and she says 'You must submit to searches of all your shit and residence at any time requested by the probation office or law enforcement' and I'm just renting a room in a house so everyone is open. Yay! And I must be courteous and cooperative (Let them anal rape me) when the come to me. Oh and the probation officer is the daughter of the most hated judge in the county, so no bullets for her (not yet) or her family. Maybe I'm pissed because I don't have a job, but hey it's kind of fun, cuz I get to be a bum (Maybe that's why I'm depressed). Maybe because my girlfriend is always talking shit about my ex-wife, and my ex-wife is such a bitch that she won't let me see my kids. Or maybe cuz if I fought for them I know I would lose.

So that is my day. So whenever you think your life sucks just imagine anytime a P.I.G. can come and inspect your house whenever they want.
"Fuck the Constitution, we're doing it to make sure you aren't doing anything behind our back. We are just like parents, your house is now our house and we can do anything we want and the judge, courts, and people (in Idaho) will support us and say "You shouldn't have been so stupid, and done this." I hate it.

I wonder sometimes if my new relationship will last. That's a problem with dating the woman you cheated on you wife with. It destroys the trust. And I know so many people are hoping it will fail, just like with my ex-wife, I'm just hoping I don't fuck up again. It would just be one more day to regret (like the Mushroomhead song).

See that and morning radio suck really bad. It's like having you uncle try to stick his dick in his mouth. And not the gay one, the one that got you drunk, your first condom and porn.

Starbucks steams at "Starstrucks" Indian coffee chain

MUMBAI, INDIA- Starbucks Corp. is opposing Indian entrepreneur Shahnaz Husain's plans to start a chain of coffee shops called Starstrucks, the Mint business paper reported.

The U.S. coffee shop chain has told India's Controller-General of Patents, Designs and Trademark that the name is deceptively similar to its own name, the paper said. Husain, an herbal beauty specialist who has a range of skincare and haircare products and salons named after her, is not willing to give up the name, the paper said.

"Why should I give it up? Hundreds of others are deceptively similar. What to do? They have opposed and we will fight," Husain, called the Herbal Queen, told Mint. Husain plans to open 25 stores in a year. The shops will have a glamour theme, with posters of movie stars, the paper said.

"My concept's totally different," she said.

Starbucks, the latest in a line of foreign companies facing branding challenges in India, is reported to be awaiting permission from the Indian government to open its coffee shops in a joint venture with an Indonesian franchisee and Pantaloon Retail India Ltd.'s founder Kishore Biyani.

The government had sought some clarifications from Starbucks on its joint venture arrangement, local papers have said.


YouR NaTuRaL PeRFeCTioN? 3/04/07.

  • A bullet in the head?

  • A Crucifixtion?

  • An acid bath while raped with a broomstick?

  • Sunny-D?

In post-Taliban Afghanistan the Ashura holiday has Shi'ite Muslims flagellate (whip) themselves pouring blood over their sacred shrines. After the fall of the Taliban this politically charged rite reemerged.

Does history really repeat itself? In Afghanistan we ("U.S Coalition") will be ousted by the Afghani's and another super-power; like we did with the Russians in 1988. The Bush family knew the bin-Laden family and even had dealings with them. After watching Fahrenheit 9/11 it made me think of a giant conspiracy of how 9/11 would just be a large plot to line the pockets of Bush/Cheney/friends and somehow the bin-Laden family. But only time will tell if it will come out, and I hope G.W. gets the chair if he were involved (I doubt because he was a "president"). But now we (I) are going into a "non-permissive zone" (someplace where there is fighting).

Another thing that has bothered me (and this is late in the game). Why do we have a "detainee camp" in Cuba? We are paying a nation in which we had severed economic ties with in 1962. Why!? Mainly because Cuba cannot get rid of the U.S., here's an explanation. Read the first four paragraphs, GiTMo. Here is the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in which you could read Articles 4 and 52.

It's a place in which we (George W.) can operate outside the system (Be a spoiled brat). We (U.S.) have had a perpetual lease on it since 1903, and since "detainees" are classified as unlawful combatants (not criminals or P.O.W.'s) so they receive neither the rights of soldiers or civilians. So they are basically FuKT! and don't get me wrong they should be tried and executed but they should receive a fair trial in the process.

In 2002 "President" Bush said that UC's must be treated "humanely" consistent with the Geneva Convention within "military necessity" of the Third Geneva Convention. And we all know that soldiers can stand up to more abuse, whether neglect/starvation/sanitary conditions, than normal civilians (face it that is all they are). They should be punished for their crimes, but still they are human and deserve the most basic needs all humans need.


NoTHiNG iN My LiFe iS FRee. 3/3/07.

Cycle of life and death supposedly
goes round and round yet it stops with me
Glorious hunter of my faith I have sinned
Killers are quiet like the breath of the wind

Filling the shadows with forms of my own
Raised by kindred of get I was born
Abomination world in disarray
Killers are quiet when they seek the vitae

Reflection beckons a portal shard
Spiritual quest I must stay on guard
Stepping sideways betweens worlds I shift
Killers are quiet when they're born with the gift

Beautiful anguish cast out by my race
Now one that's ageless I save my own face
I write my own laws with death I break bread
Killers are quiet when they come from my head

This is from Slipknot (way before they ever got Corey as the lead singer) and Anders Colsefini (The first singer) doesn't sound that bad. Although the sound of some songs (Do Nothing/Bitchslap) is more around the jazz/blues area. So I urge you to Download online purchase it reputably somewhere like eBay or Amazon. Fuck it just download it.

LeT'S STaRT a JaR FoR THiNGS i'VE STuCK iN You PuSSy. 3/2/07

I'm not joking about this. This man had his truck bed filled with bread and assorted bread products like rolls and shit. Now when are you going to use that much bread? FuK! I think all the ducks at the pond love this guy, maybe too much. So bored! So here is something for another installment.

One type of pyrotechnic device that might be employed by a terrorist in many way would be a smoke bomb. Such a device could conceal the getaway route, or cause a diversion, or simply provide cover. Such a device, were it to produce enough smoke that smelled bad enough, could force the evacuation of a building, for example. Smoke bombs are not difficult to make. Although the military smoke bombs employ powdered white phosphorus or titanium compounds, such materials are usually unavailable to even the most well-equipped terrorist. Instead, he/she would have to make the smoke bomb for themselves. Most homemade smoke bombs usually employ some type of base powder, such as black powder or pyrodex, to support combustion. The base material will burn well, and provide heat to cause the other materials in the device to burn, but not completely or cleanly. Excellent smoke ingredients are small pieces of rubber, finely ground plastics, and many chemical mixtures. The material in road flares can be mixed with sugar and sulfur and a base powder produces much smoke. Most of the fuel-oxidizer mixtures, if the ratio is not correct, produce much smoke when added to a base powder. The list of possibilities goes on and on. The trick to a successful smoke bomb also lies in the container used. A plastic cylinder works well, and contributes to the smoke produced. The hole in the smoke bomb where the fuse enters must be large enough to allow the material to burn without causing an explosion. This is another plus for plastic containers, since they will melt and burn when the smoke material ignites, producing an opening large enough to prevent an explosion.


The following reaction should produce a fair amount of smoke. Since this reaction is not all that dangerous you can use larger amounts if necessary

1. 6 pt. ZINC POWDER

Insert a red hot wire into the pile, step back.

Colored flames can often be used as a signaling device for terrorists. By putting a ball of colored flame material in a rocket; the rocket, when the ejection charge fires, will send out a burning colored ball. The materials that produce the different colors of flames appear below.

Red Strontium Salts Road Flares
[Strontium Nitrate] Red Sparklers

Green Barium Salts Green Sparklers
[Barium Nitrate]

Yellow Sodium Salts Gold Sparklers
[Sodium Nitrate]

Blue Powdered Copper Blue Sparklers
Old Pennies

White Magnesium Powder Firestarters
Aluminum Aluminum Foil

Purple Potassium Permanganate Purple Fountains
Treating Sewage



1.Sugar (any bleached form)
2.Potassium Nitrate/Saltpeter/KNO3. Heres a place you can make it. iNSTRuCTaBLeS.

1. Pour about 3 parts potassium nitrate to 2 parts sugar into the skillet (5:3 ratio is also good). Measurements don't need to be exact, but you want more KNO3 than sugar. For example, you can use 1-1/2 cups KNO3 and 1 cup sugar. If you use equal amounts of KNO3 and sugar, your smoke bomb will be harder to light and will burn more slowly. As you approach the 5:3 KNO3:sugar ratio, you get a smoke bomb that burns more quickly.
2. Apply low heat to the pan. Stir the mixture with a spoon using long strokes. If you see the grains of sugar starting to melt along the edges where you are stirring, remove the pan from the heat and reduce the temperature before continuing.
3. Basically you are carmelizing sugar. The mixture will melt and become a caramel or chocolate color. Continue heating/stirring until the ingredients are liquefied. Remove from heat.
4. Pour the liquid onto a piece of foil. You can pour a smaller amount onto a separate piece, to test the batch. You can pour the smoke bomb into any shape, onto an object, or into a mold. The shape and size will affect the burning pattern.
5. If you aren't going to clean your skillet immediately, pour hot water into the pan to dissolve the sugar (or else it will be harder to clean). Clean up any residue you may have spilled out of the pan, unless you want mini-smoke bombs on your stovetop.
6. Allow the smoke bomb to cool, then you can peel it off the foil.
THe (pH)uCKeR
So so long to breathe
Life into this idea
Which to so so long to conceive
An idea which is growing fast
That I barely believe

Only send hate

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