YouR NaTuRaL PeRFeCTioN? 3/04/07.

- A bullet in the head?
- A Crucifixtion?
- An acid bath while raped with a broomstick?
- Sunny-D?

In post-Taliban Afghanistan the Ashura holiday has Shi'ite Muslims flagellate (whip) themselves pouring blood over their sacred shrines. After the fall of the Taliban this politically charged rite reemerged.
Does history really repeat itself? In Afghanistan we ("U.S Coalition") will be ousted by the Afghani's and another super-power; like we did with the Russians in 1988. The Bush family knew the bin-Laden family and even had dealings with them. After watching Fahrenheit 9/11 it made me think of a giant conspiracy of how 9/11 would just be a large plot to line the pockets of Bush/Cheney/friends and somehow the bin-Laden family. But only time will tell if it will come out, and I hope G.W. gets the chair if he were involved (I doubt because he was a "president"). But now we (I) are going into a "non-permissive zone" (someplace where there is fighting).
Another thing that has bothered me (and this is late in the game). Why do we have a "detainee camp" in Cuba? We are paying a nation in which we had severed economic ties with in 1962. Why!? Mainly because Cuba cannot get rid of the U.S., here's an explanation. Read the first four paragraphs, GiTMo. Here is the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in which you could read Articles 4 and 52.
It's a place in which we (George W.) can operate outside the system (Be a spoiled brat). We (U.S.) have had a perpetual lease on it since 1903, and since "detainees" are classified as unlawful combatants (not criminals or P.O.W.'s) so they receive neither the rights of soldiers or civilians. So they are basically FuKT! and don't get me wrong they should be tried and executed but they should receive a fair trial in the process.
In 2002 "President" Bush said that UC's must be treated "humanely" consistent with the Geneva Convention within "military necessity" of the Third Geneva Convention. And we all know that soldiers can stand up to more abuse, whether neglect/starvation/sanitary conditions, than normal civilians (face it that is all they are). They should be punished for their crimes, but still they are human and deserve the most basic needs all humans need.
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