eViL FuKT PeoPLe. 2/26/07.

A little some some for you FuCKeRZ! (not really). A post that will feature no supporting actors, just me, aren't you happy? YAY!
So question before I really do anything. If you fuck this <---doll is it considered cheating on your woman? Anyway whatever. So just surfing around (like the Crimson Tide) and actually finding out a lot about pyschoactive drugs. Like MDMA (XTC, ecstasy) and Salvia which isn't illegal in many states (like mine, YeaH! *LJS*). Has anyone ever looked up PiKHaL and TiKHaL? I know I had mentioned them earlier in here, but just for you. Anyway looking around I find caffeine, which is good (really good!) and makes me think about buying a fuckload of No-Doz and downing that with some quad-shot espressos. Fun stuff, probably cuz I am 240 lbs. and I'm an experienced caffeinic (it's a word!). Speaking of caffeine lets look at Nicotine. Easily found in tobacco products, in concentrated form a few drops can get you the buzz you want (or kill you).
A can of tobacco (any amount above 6oz. is fine).
A jar
1.Remove the tobacco and soak in water overnight in a jar (about 2/3 cup of water will do).
2.In the morning, strain into another jar and the mixture through a porous towel. Then wrap the towel around the ball of tobacco and squeeze it until all of the liquid is in the jar.
3.Throw away the tobacco--you will not need it anymore (or dry and smoke it anyway!).
Now you have two options. I recommend the first. It makes the nicotine more potent.
1.Allow to evaporate until a sticky syrup results in the jar. This is almost pure nicotine (hell, it is pure enough for sure!).
2.Heat over low flame until water is evaporated and a thick sticky syrup results (I don't know how long it takes ... shouldn't take too long, though).
As you may have guessed. Nicotine is a poison, and estimates on L.D.50's (not MuDvAyNe album) is 40–60 mg/kg of nicotine.
L.D. 50 is a reference for the lethal dosage required to kill 50, average non-tolerant humans, out of 100.
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