
eViL FuKT PeoPLe. 2/26/07.

A little some some for you FuCKeRZ! (not really). A post that will feature no supporting actors, just me, aren't you happy? YAY!

So question before I really do anything. If you fuck this <---doll is it considered cheating on your woman? Anyway whatever. So just surfing around (like the Crimson Tide) and actually finding out a lot about pyschoactive drugs. Like MDMA (XTC, ecstasy) and Salvia which isn't illegal in many states (like mine, YeaH! *LJS*). Has anyone ever looked up PiKHaL and TiKHaL? I know I had mentioned them earlier in here, but just for you. Anyway looking around I find caffeine, which is good (really good!) and makes me think about buying a fuckload of No-Doz and downing that with some quad-shot espressos. Fun stuff, probably cuz I am 240 lbs. and I'm an experienced caffeinic (it's a word!). Speaking of caffeine lets look at Nicotine. Easily found in tobacco products, in concentrated form a few drops can get you the buzz you want (or kill you).


A can of tobacco (any amount above 6oz. is fine).
A jar

1.Remove the tobacco and soak in water overnight in a jar (about 2/3 cup of water will do).
2.In the morning, strain into another jar and the mixture through a porous towel. Then wrap the towel around the ball of tobacco and squeeze it until all of the liquid is in the jar.
3.Throw away the tobacco--you will not need it anymore (or dry and smoke it anyway!).

Now you have two options. I recommend the first. It makes the nicotine more potent.
1.Allow to evaporate until a sticky syrup results in the jar. This is almost pure nicotine (hell, it is pure enough for sure!).
2.Heat over low flame until water is evaporated and a thick sticky syrup results (I don't know how long it takes ... shouldn't take too long, though).


As you may have guessed. Nicotine is a poison, and estimates on L.D.50's (not MuDvAyNe album) is 40–60 mg/kg of nicotine.

L.D. 50 is a reference for the lethal dosage required to kill 50, average non-tolerant humans, out of 100.

HoW THe NooSe'S SWaY WHeN You Die. 2/25/07.

Funny Video Clips

I think it is really FuKT uP^ that I can't load html files on here cuz I could get a post how you could make your own alcohol. And it isn't that poser shit that requires you to buy a beer making kit. This is the kind that you make your own still and "moonshine" (umbrella term for homemade alcohol). Not this BuLLSHiT.

Just looking around and I found the file I had originally copied to get the alcohol secrets. HoMeMaDe HiGHS. So today has been one of those days in which I which I feel like total shit and this makes me feel better.

Atheist group takes on Bush initiative

MADISON, Wisconsin - Annie Laurie Gaylor speaks with a soft voice, but her message catches attention: Keep God out of government. Gaylor has helped transform the Freedom From Religion Foundation from obscurity into the nation's largest group of atheists and agnostics, with a fast-rising membership and increasing legal clout.

Next week, the group started by Gaylor and her mother in the 1970s to take on the religious right will fight its most high-profile battle when the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on its lawsuit against President Bush's faith-based initiative. The court will decide whether taxpayers can sue over federal funding that the foundation believes promotes religion. It could be a major ruling for groups that fight to keep church and state separate.

"What's at stake is the right to challenge the establishment of religion by the government," Gaylor said.

The 51-year-old once donned a nun's habit as a college student in 1977 to protest a judge who blamed rape on women who wear provocative clothing. She uses different tactics these days, though her activism remains strong. Among its victories, the group has stopped funding for a Milwaukee charity that Bush visited during the 2000 campaign and an Arizona group that preached to children of prisoners.

The case in front of the high court claims White House conferences to promote the faith-based initiative turn into unconstitutional pep rallies for religion. The initiative helps religious organizations get government funding to provide social services.

George Washington University law professor Ira Lupu called the Madison-based foundation "by far the most aggressive litigating entity against the faith-based initiative."

"When they can prove there's religious content in those programs, they've been quite successful and they've won a few cases," Lupu said. "When they've tried to go after the initiative as a whole, they've been less successful."

Critics say the group imposes such an extreme view of the First Amendment that religious groups can't receive tax dollars for even laudable purposes.

"They are successful in the sense that they have disrupted government funding for faith-based initiatives," said Jordan Lorence of the Alliance Defense Fund, which defends religion in the public arena. "But real people with real problems are no longer getting help because of some of their lawsuits."

The group has grown as its legal challenges mount. It claims 8,500 members in 50 states, with the most coming from California, after adding a record 400 in December. Members consider themselves freethinkers who form opinions based on reason, not faith. Gaylor is hoping an advertising campaign on progressive talk radio, the Internet and in liberal magazines helps the group reach 10,000 members this year. She and husband Dan Barker, a former fundamentalist minister who turned against religion, are co-presidents. Her mother, Anne Nicol Gaylor, founded the group in 1978 to counter religious influence in government after clashing with religious leaders over abortion. Its leaders say the surge in membership reflects a U.S. population that is becoming less religious and growing liberal alarm since Bush's re-election.

"There was a feeling that there was almost a near religious-right takeover of our government and that we better speak up now," Gaylor said.

The American Religious Identification Survey in 2001 estimated that 29 million Americans had no religion, double the number from 1990. The survey, which was conducted by the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, estimated that 1.9 million identified themselves as atheist or agnostic. Before its battle against the faith-based initiative, the group stopped prayers during the University of Wisconsin's commencement and overturned Good Friday as a state holiday in Wisconsin.

"We've applied some very needed pressure through going to court on keeping state and church separate," said the elder Gaylor, 80. "We hope we've done some educating that will be lasting."

So I HAVE to mention that that was from Yahoo. I don't know who wrote it but props to whoever it was. Not me cuz I can barely focus on one thing at a time. Anyway it has been about three days and I don't know why I haven't posted earlier, and I hope that I won't keep taking articles from Yahoo and putting them in here because it don't really want to be one of those people that bitch about guv'mint (But I do!) all the time. So as promised I have got another DeSTRuCTiVe iMPLeMeNT for you guys.

Underwater igniters

Materials needed:
Pack of 10 silicon diodes. (Available at Radio Shack. You will know you got the right ones if they are very, very small glass objects!)
Pack of matches
1 candle

1.Light the candle and allow a pool of molten wax to form in the top.
2.Take a single match and hold the glass part of a single diode against the head. Bend the diode pins around the matchhead so that one wraps in an upward direction and then sticks out to the side. Do the same with the other wire, but in a downward direction. The diodes should now be hugging the matchhead, but its wires MUST NOT TOUCH EACH OTHER!
3.Dip the matchhead in wax to give it a water-proof coat. These work underwater
4.Repeat to make as many as you want.

How to use them:
When these little dudes are hooked across a 6v battery, the diode reaches what is called breakdown voltage. When most electrical components reach this voltage, they usually produce great amounts of heat and light, while quickly melting into a little blob. This heat is enough to ignite a matchhead. These are recommended for use underwater, where most other igniters refuse to work.


MoRe WoRTHLeSS SHiT? 2/22/07.

I found this shit and I thought it would be a good follow-up to the last post because it just seems like we think we can be above the law. And the bitch should be executed for what she has done, now you know me I say that the government that governs least is one that governs best (or was that Lao-Tzu?). So I hope the "government" takes care of her, cuz I would put a bullet in her head if it were me.

Investigator Culhane Charged With 45 Felonies, Jailed

SACRAMENTO - The California attorney general on Wednesday charged a private investigator with filing bogus documents to aid four death row inmates, calling the case one of the largest frauds ever perpetrated on the state's criminal justice system.

Kathleen Culhane was arraigned Wednesday afternoon in Sacramento on 45 felony counts of forgery, filing false documents and perjury.

"This is fraud at the highest level," Michael Farrell, a senior assistant attorney general, said after the arraignment. "This is someone who is trying to undermine the system."

Among the inmates for whom Culhane allegedly lied was Michael Morales, who was sentenced to death for the 1981 rape and murder of a Central Valley teenager.

Questions about the San Francisco private investigator arose a year ago when Morales petitioned the governor for clemency and prosecutors challenged the authenticity of several documents Culhane submitted on his behalf. His execution eventually was stayed over the state's lethal injection method, a matter unrelated to Culhane.

The attorney general's criminal complaint alleges that between November 2002 and February 2006 Culhane filed at least 23 fraudulent documents designed to aid Morales and three other death row inmates - Vicente Figueroa Benavides, Christian Monterroso and Jose Guerra. Culhane was working as a staff investigator for the Habeas Corpus Resource Center in San Francisco in each case except that of Morales, when she was employed by the inmate's attorneys.

"She forged the signatures of those witnesses and jurors. Sometimes she completely made those documents up," Farrell said in court. "Her actions are an affront to the legal system."

Culhane's job was to find jurors and witnesses who may be favorable to the inmates and get them to sign declarations that could be used in their legal defense or requests for clemency.

Her paperwork was then turned over to the inmates' attorneys and filed with the courts and the governor. The counts against Culhane allege that she made up statements from real witnesses and jurors and forged their signatures, including six documents related to the Morales case.

In one instance, she submitted a declaration allegedly signed by one of the jurors who convicted Morales, according to a copy of Culhane's arrest warrant affidavit.

Investigators subsequently found that the juror never had been contacted by anyone working on the condemned man's behalf and that the document submitted by Culhane misspelled his first name as John, rather than Jon.

Culhane, 40, did not speak during Wednesday's court proceeding except to confirm her name in response to a question from the judge. Wearing an orange and white jail jumpsuit, she appeared behind a cage in a courtroom inside the Sacramento County Jail, where she had been held since she surrendered to authorities on Monday.

Her attorney, Stuart Hanlon, spoke in her defense after the arraignment.

"Ms. Culhane has a strong belief against the death penalty, and she devoted her life to fighting it by legal means," he told reporters.

Sacramento County Superior Court Judge David W. Abbott reduced her bail from $115,000 to $50,000 and set the next court date for March 22.

San Joaquin County prosecutors triggered the state's investigation of Culhane after they produced statements from jurors who swore they had never spoken with her and supported the death sentence for Morales.

The Stockton man was scheduled to die last Feb. 21 for the 1981 rape and murder of Terri Winchell, 17.

The other three death-row inmates whose cases were affected by Culhane were convicted for crimes dating to the early 1990s: Guerra by a Los Angeles County jury for the 1990 rape and murder of Kathleen Powell; Benavides by a Kern County jury for the 1991 murder and rape of a 21-month-old child; and Monterroso by an Orange County jury for the 1991 murders of Tarsem Singh and Ashokkumar Patel and the attempted murder of Allen Canellas.

Those three remain on death row with pending appeals. Farrell, the state prosecutor, said Culhane's false documents will not affect the Morales case because they have been withdrawn but could delay the three other cases as investigators are forced to review them and interview jurors.

The attorney general's complaint alleges Culhane filed fraudulent documents under the names of 11 jurors, two witnesses, two court interpreters and one police officer.

She faces 22 counts of filing a false document, 22 counts of forgery and one count of perjury for signing a declaration falsely stating that she had met with a prosecution witness. If convicted on all counts, Culhane would face nearly 19 years in prison.

The Habeas Corpus Resource Center, which assists death row inmates, cooperated with the attorney general's office throughout the yearlong investigation and withdrew any declarations submitted by Culhane.

The state is continuing to investigate whether she submitted fraudulent documents in any other cases, but authorities do not believe any inmates have been released because of her actions.

"The governor supports the attorney general in his investigation, and he is confident that the California courts will maintain the integrity of the criminal justice system," said Bill Maile, a spokesman for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

After this it makes one think 'Are we becoming a police state?' Many will say no because the changes are so gradual that we feel that we need them and sooner rather than later we will become a state like that. Orwell said that an oppressed man will try to make it in life that he will not feel oppressed. Such is our resilience that we will try to make the impossible possible.

Think on it. And read 1984.

United States=Oceania

European Union=Eurasia


But the E.U. and China don't seem to have any inclinations with starting a war. But the U.S. has a problem with authority, I think we always have, stemming from the Monroe Doctrine. And I think that there have been "big brothers" (in the political realm) that have tried to humble us, cough *Britain* cough and now we are like 13 year-olds without parents or any other authority. We think we can do anything we want and that is what we are doing. Tell me what will it take? Another 9/11? Because I am not falling for that shit again. Watch FaHReNHeiT 9/11. It makes you think of how the whole terror scale kept in line like sheep and we fell for it, and it wasn't until after the 2004 election that we were like "WHAT THE FUCK!? Why did we re-elect this idiot!?" So I ain't gonna elect another Republican, too much like Bush, and I'm not gonna do that. I'm voting for the Middle Road party and if not then which ever one Ralph Nader is in.

Heres a movie which everyone who hates Bush should see. A look into an alternate 1984. DeaTH oF a PReSiDeNT.


WoRTHLeSS SHiT? 2/20/07.

Court: Detainees can't challenge cases

WASHINGTON - Guantanamo Bay detainees may not challenge their detention in U.S. courts, a federal appeals court said Tuesday in a ruling upholding a key provision of a law at the center of President Bush's anti-terrorism plan. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled 2-1 that civilian courts no longer have the authority to consider whether the military is illegally holding foreigners.
Barring detainees from the U.S. court system was a key provision in the Military Commissions Act, which Bush pushed through Congress last year to set up a system to prosecute terrorism suspects. Attorneys for the detainees immediately said they would appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court, which last year struck down the Bush administration's original plan for trying detainees before military commissions.

"We're disappointed," said Shayana Kadidal of the Center for Constitutional Rights. "The bottom line is that according to two of the federal judges, the president can do whatever he wants without any legal limitations as long as he does it offshore." A spokesman for the Justice Department, which was expected to seek dismissal of hundreds of detainee cases pending in federal court, praised the decision.

"The decision reaffirms the validity of the framework that Congress established in the MCA permitting Guantanamo detainees to challenge their detention" through military hearings coordinated by the Defense Department," said spokesman Erik Ablin. Under the commissions act, the government may indefinitely detain foreigners who have been designed as "enemy combatants" and authorizes the CIA to use aggressive but undefined interrogation tactics. But most criticized by Democrats and civil libertarians was a provision that stripped U.S. courts of the authority to hear arguments from detainees who said they were being held illegally. Attorneys argued that the detainees aren't covered by that provision and that the law is unconstitutional.

"The arguments are creative but not cogent. To accept them would be to defy the will of Congress," Judge A. Raymond Randolph wrote. On Tuesday, a spokeswoman for Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said he would accelerate efforts to pass a revision to the law that would restore detainees' legal rights. Such a provision, introduced by Leahy and then-Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., narrowly failed last year on a 48-51 vote.

"The Military Commissions Act is a dangerous and misguided law that undercuts our freedoms and assaults our Constitution by removing vital checks and balances designed to prevent government overreaching and lawlessness," Leahy said in a statement. U.S. citizens and foreigners being held inside the country normally have the right to contest their detention before a judge. The Justice Department said foreign enemy combatants are not protected by the Constitution.

Randolph and Judge David B. Sentelle ordered that the hundreds of cases pending in the lower courts be dismissed. Judge Judith W. Rogers dissented, saying the cases should proceed. "District courts are well able to adjust these proceedings in light of the government's significant interests in guarding national security," Rogers wrote.

But Jonathan Hafetz, an attorney at the Brennan Center for Justice, said the ruling sends the wrong message about justice to U.S. citizens and the international community. "It's a terrible ruling that contradicts centuries of Anglo-American history and allows the indefinite detention of innocent people without charge or judicial review," he said. "It also allows for detention based on evidence gained by torture."


May your private parts be encrusted with the harlequin fetor intumescing from the slime cavity of a Sizludian Bladderpuff. 2/19/07

And how I wish I could believe or understand that. So here is the second installation of DeSTRuCTiVe iMPLeMeNTS


In this article I shall attempt to explain the use and manufacture of a powerful blow-gun and making darts for the gun. The possession of the blow gun described in this article IS A FELONY! So be careful where you use it. I don't want to get you all busted.


1.Several strands of yarn (About 2 inches a-piece).
2.A regular pencil.
3.A 2 ¼ inch long needle (hopefully with a beaded head. If not obtainable, wrap tape around end of needle.
4.¼ foot pipe. (PVC or Aluminum) Half a inch in diameter.

Constructing the dart:

1.Carefully twist and pull the metal part (Along with eraser) of the pencil till it comes off.
2.Take Pin and start putting about 5-7 Strands of yarn on the pin. Then push them up to the top of the pin. But not over the head of the pin (or the tape).
3.Push the eraser in so it and the metal band are flush (or almost).
4.Push pin through the hollow part of the head where the pencil was before.
5.That should for a nice looking dart. (see illustration)

| is the metal band
# is the yarn strands
> is the rubber end
- is the pin itself
/ is the head of the pin

Using the Darts:

1.Now take the finished dart and insert it in the tube (if it is too small put on more yarn.)
2.Aim the tube at a door, wall, sister, etc.
3.Blow on the end of the pipe.
4.Sometimes the end of the pipe may be sharp. When this happens I suggest you wrap it with some black electrician tape. It should feel a lot better.

Heres a nice target don't you think? So much space and I doubt she could get you if you pissed her off. But you might lose all those darts due to the fat! So next week has something new for those darts you make today. Stay tuned until next time fuckers.


My HeaRT iS a FiST DReNCHeD iN BLooD 2/15/07

Happy late Valentines Day. A happy day for the commercialist big business sector of America. A day when people buy gifts for one another (and I ain't complaining!) and chocolate, so not only do we get more junk but also get fatter.
Fuck You America.------>

So I saw someone from my past who remembered RiTaLiN and wondered what happened to it. I had the unfortunate job of informing her that because of the BooK oF SLaNG it was cancelled. After that I figured I would revive it somewhat and put some of the shit from it, here. Like how to make NaPaLM and other shit. So for the first installment of the new revitalization of the is going to be NaPaLM just because it is so easy for anyone to make.

A container

Put a little bit of gas into the container (MR. GiGGLeS uses Kerr jars). You can also have styrofoam but you will need a lot of it. And the gas has to bubble when the styrofoam is added. To make sure of purity shake vigorously at least once a day or stab with a pencil or other utensil to ensure that the styrofoam is all mixed.

Soap chips (anyway you can get them)
A container
Double boiler

About the best fire bomb is napalm. It has a thick consistency, like jam and is best for use on vehicles or buildings. Napalm is simply one part gasoline and one part soap. The soap is either soap flakes or shredded bar soap. Detergents won't do as well. The gasoline must be heated in order for the soap to melt. The usual way is with a double boiler where the top part has at least a two-quart capacity. The water in the bottom part is brought to a boil and the double boiler is taken from the stove and carried to where there is no flame. Then one part, by volume, of gasoline is put in the top part and allowed to heat as much as it will and the soap is added and the mess is stirred until it thickens. A better way to heat gasoline is to fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can get it. It will hold its heat longer and permit a much larger container than will the double boiler.

And I plan on posting again within the next few days with another implement of destruction. *And remember these instructions are merely for informational purposes and interested readers and I (MR. GiGGLeS/THe (pH)uCKeR) do not "want" you using these becuase some of the others are felonies. C'mon who wants to get busted for some stupid shit like this. So in conclusion with a destructive smile on my face and my middle finger the flag that I wave. I readily sell my soul again for the freedom that it will bring. At least I hope that I can bring it to someone.
THe (pH)uCKeR
So so long to breathe
Life into this idea
Which to so so long to conceive
An idea which is growing fast
That I barely believe

Only send hate

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