I was reading another blog on BLoGGeR.CoM that had a recipe for Boboli Pizza crust and it got me thinking. One of those rare times at McDonalds when you want hot fries or a fresh patty on your burger, just tell them you don't want salt on it. They put seasoning on the patty when they first come off the clamshell.---------------------------->
This is off topic but I want a bow which is pretty fucking sweet. I don't want to kill animals...(or do I? *evil music*), but I just want to go out an hit some targets. Of course I also want to make fire arrows. The bow I plan on making sooner or later, but with the arrows just put a lighter on the end so when the arrow hits it explodes the lighter. Of course when you make so homemade napalm just put that on the end of it.
Heres how.
You need some:
Styrofoam, make sure it is the firm type like the cups, or the stuff they put in boxes to protect stuff (not peanuts!)
A container (like a Kerr jar)
Put gas in container, mix in styrofoam. Mixture will bubble, and marshmellowy stuff falls to bottom. Mix in as much styrofoam as you can as the ratio of styrofoam to is gas is like 150 to 1. To insure purity stab gel with pencil and shake daily. make sure to add more gas to help light. Finally be careful *disclaimer* gas fumes light and may light in your face. I light a piece of paper and throw it on.
I'm going to bring a jar of this next time to the bar and light on fire the next frat member douche who tries to talk shit. Good on you.
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