-I heard that Dungeons and Dragons was coming out with an online game, is that true.
-Heidi Klum making 4 leaf clover jewelry, isn't she German? Guess Swastikas wouldnt' work.
-Is Eddie Guerrero dead?
-What came first chicken or egg? The very first egg was laid by a very confused cow. The egg hatched an was know as the Mountain Chicken, the first and only of it's kind, it was free to choose any mate it wanted. It chose a velociraptor as one and progressive and incestuous breeding saw the scales become feathers and front legs become wings. The end result is the nuggety goodness we now know as a chicken.
Why does it seem like GGW tries to sell you 40 fucking videos for 8.95. Why is it that they sell them to you at midnight. Like no one will know you ordered them. And if you don't pay GGW in a business day they charge you for all of them. Maybe I suffer from consumer paranoia. If an infomercial is on the air long enough, I'll buy it.
Back to GGW. When watching porn it's like crack or heroin... something like that. You look for more explicit forms. No you cannot tell me that is not true unless you watch porn like once a month. Now when a man and woman kiss and you squirt in your pants, that is pathetic.
Up the ante, next on the pathetic list
- 2 women
- 3 women
- 3 women and a man
- Above all doing it!
Next, who likes Dr. Phil? Who hates Dear Abby? Who raised hands with the two previous questions? You like Dr. Phil and hate Dear Abby? You must be sexist because Dr. Phil is Dear Abby as a male. Think about it.
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