Fucked On Re-vamped Dissertation
Delegator Reams Only Females
I notice that lately I've been talking
(Bitching) a lot of political bullshit and it's starting to bother me, but I must be doing something right
(Naked Broads) cuz people seem to keep coming back. But the problem is that if you get classified as a porn site, then people will come only when they want to
(cum/blow a load). And a political site is not what I had in mind, mainly because it's total bullshit. Anyway with politics isn't it just rehashing the same old shit? And honestly who wants that? God fags, Bush cock-suckers.
My observations at 2 AM in the morning
What's with "The Last Mimzy"? Did they just stop trying?
Multiply your possibilities with Tony Montana and Intel Core Duo processors.
All STD and pregnancy commercials make me think that my woman has STD's or is pregnant
I thought I had worms at one point in my life, but then realized it was psoriases, so my moral? Ban the
Stop Sign commercials!

I love how primal human nature is. After donating plasma
(I needs money), it just seems all self-contol leaves me, so I end up eating a Quad Stacker, fucking my woman, and sleeping. And the only thing that could make it better is having some weed before eating, but then I would have super munchies.
So karma is a bitch because my ex like to give me shit with the kids and that bitch just got pulled over
(no license or insurance) and had a bench warrant out for her. So karma will bite you in the ass. So after that strike karma decides to flick my balls because my mom decided to bail her ass out, which everyone said she should stay there for awhile, and I would've watched the kids gladly, but exxy
(as I will refer to her) would not let my mom see her grandkids
(confused yet?). And exxy's mother wouldn't even help her and exxy threatens my mom with the kids, total bullshit.
Another list
Things that piss me off

- Whole SNL lineup including
- Will Ferrell (Probably the most)
- Chris Kattan
- Molly Shannon
- Catholic Religion for starting the Inquistion
- The Afghans who destroyed the Buddhas
- Napoleon, who let his troops use the sphinxes as targets
- Any government agent who helped in, or knew and didn't say, information modifying
- God and his "bigger plan"
- Belief pushers (Taliban, SS, Christ fags)
- Cops and power abusers
- Middle men with no spines
- Guitar Hero I and II, WTF! OOOOH save the world from a meteor with just your rock oooooh Tenacious D style, bullshit only TD can pull that!
- Tenacious D and the P.O.D., what happened to Nacho Libre but with KG