iF i CouLD Go BaCK iN TiMe aND Do iT aGaiN, i'D MaKe iT a THReeSoMe. 2/8/08
How long has it taken people to realize that when a taboo becomes so common that people will treat it as another aspect of life? Soon market intervention will destroy the moral fiber of our being.
I can't wait!
How lazy do you have to be to go to a meal assembly (two too many) place? Honestly I can cook relatively well (more than Ramen and Macaroni) and even this hasn't crossed my mind until now. I (unfortunately) tempted to try it. Maybe some shrimp scampi or alfredo pasta or chili?
This election year it seems that many motherfucking people are going to be voting. It wasn't until we got Clinton out of office that the decreasing voter trend swung the other way. Now it seems that we will have an anti-
The problem with living in an Aryan red state is that
- We especially hate the mixes below:
- Blacks. Quote Niggerz Endquote
- Women.
- Democrats.
- Mexicans Quote Beaners/Spics/Wetbacks <-and not the way Carlos Mencia says it. Endquote
- Russians
- British
- Cubans... Oh especially Cubans
- Definite Iraqis and al-queda (intentional)
- And finally those goddamn Canadians!
I've given up on trying to find a candidate that I truly like, I'm going to go for Hillary because there was peace during Bill's time in office (Wasn't there?) so why not Hillary's and maybe she'll get us some good goddamn health coverage. Why is everyone stressed out about Big Brother?

We are too lazy as Americans to actually stand up and protest against our own government. Each one of us has the right to stand up and say
"You are government, I am the people, YOU FEAR ME!"
Anyway thats all gone. Here's a list of the candidates (Jesusfucking-fuck!)