i THiNK You HaVe To HaVe SeX WiTH THeM To Be a GRouPie. 1/11/08

This is the inaugural post of the new fucking year. 2007 came (like me so many times) and went so fast I could barely tell what the fuck was happening to me throughout it. I had sex everyday of the year, that's because life fucked me. It was more stupendous than an anal reaming by Lexington Steele. Not like you fagets don't get off on it.
In an interview in 2004, Steele stated that he is a religious man (Baptist), continuing
"My decision to do porno has forced me to take my religion within: because of my job I am stronger in my relationship with God, because now I take God with me everywhere I go; if I don’t, I’ll fail to get an erection. I didn’t know that God blessed me with an abnormally large penis, until i had a revelation in which Jesus told me to make porno. So I feel blessed."
I don't know why I'm fascinated by that, anyway. Anyway (...again) prepare for another (semi) full year of posting. Full of all the naked bitches you could ever want (If I can get a computer somewhere else besides the library).