CaNCeL CoMPaSSioN. 12/01/07.

It's been for(fucking)ever hasn't it? Listening to musicals on my comp and just remembered that I have a blog! Holy forced morality challenged retards Batman! So I thought about it and maybe once or twice I thought about returning since August 15 th, but never had good access to the Intersnet. Now her parents have some satellite internet which right now is acting up cuz of the snow. And everyone bitches about it being slow now. I keep telling them that satellite is fickle like a dead bug on the dish, acts of
SOOOO many things haven't happened since we last had this little discussion slash heart-to-heart slash bonding moment. I still don't understand why everyone is so fucking uptight about. Like facial hair and piercings, or the fact that I have a dick (Merry Maids). Or that cuz I have a dick that you know
My mom was married to this fuckhead of a man. They barely have known each other for a year, and hey let's get married on my birthday (moms not mine). I tell him on the honeymoon that you know why everyone on my fathers side is opposed. And it's not even because they don't like him, it's too soon. I tell him and the next day Mom calls and says "It probably won't work now thanks to me. You happy?" *CLiCK*. You should've seen me come unglued, that bitch wouldn't answer her phone, but I really love text messages, so she got some. And I called her later and she fucking finally answered, so she got me all angry because she always blames me for most of her problems. Yeah I was warned about marrying my ex so I told her that. She really didn't give a fuck that I was at her wedding, I was the only one in the family that was there. So fuck her.