The most retarded thing I have ever seen wasn't really retarded. Unless of course you count in Retarded Animal Babies. Its at Newgrounds. They are hilarious but as of late they have started to suck. Sorry Dave but they have. Heres a list
- Numero Uno. Learn numbers and shit.
- Number2.
- Number 3.
- Number 4. Try 123, 666,999,69.
- Number 5. Dungeons and Dragons Rip
- Number6. Thanksgiving Rip
- Number7. X-mas Rip
- Number 8.
- Number 10. Tron Rip
- Number 11. Who wants to be a cock-star.
- Number 12. St. Patty and Aliens.
- Number 13. 3rd Star Wars Rip.
- Number 14
Sorry to say there is a 9 but it is on a DvD along with 1-8 plus extra shit.